Sunday 1 January 2012


Assigning Layers

Not all layers are needed when routing the PCB. Thus, you should only keep the
following layers: TOP, BOTTOM, and DRILL. To do so:
(1) Run: Tools
(2) In the shown table, double click on the Layer Type for the unwanted layers and
choose Unused.
(3) Make sure the layers TOP and BOTTOM are of type Routing and the DRILL is of
type Drill
(4) Close the table
(5) Run: Options
Define the Routing Area

You need to define the area where you want to draw your PCB:
(1) Select the Yellow layer named Global Layer
(2) Run: Tools
(3) Start drawing the area you want and watch for its size on the dimension scale on
the bottom of the screen
(4) Once you finish drawing the PCB area, press ESC to exit the mode

􀃆 Obstacle 􀃆 Select Tool
Placing & Routing

(1) To move and place the components, make sure this button is pressed, or run:
(2) Click the component and drag it then click again to place it.
(3) Press “R” while dragging the component to rotate it.
(4) Run: Auto
(5) Zoom in to view the layout
(6) You may replace the component again, but first Unroute the board.

􀃆 Component 􀃆 Select Tool􀃆 Autoroute 􀃆 Board to automatically route the PCB
FGerber Outputs

To be able to print your layout, this layout needs to be produced in Gerber format. Before
running the process, make sure that the Place Grid size is 2.0 instead of 1.27:
(1) Click: Options
(2) Change Place Gird to: 2.0
(3) Click: Auto
􀃆System Settings􀃆 Run Post Processor
Other details will be announced when printing your project with other teams’ layouts in
one board.
􀃆 Layer 􀃆 Select From Spreadsheet􀃆 System Settings and choose Millimeters as the Display Units

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