Wednesday 26 December 2012

LENIN PAGES OF View of Leninfs portrait***
01:14:06***First page. Born and grew up on Volga*** ] Commentator: Volga is a great Russian river. Volga has witnessed many Russian historical events. On Volga, in ancient Russian city Simbirsk on 22 April of 1870, Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov]Lenin was born. In this house he spent his childhood and adolescent years. Ilya Nikolayevich, Vladimirfs father, was from a middle class family. However, Ilya Nikolayevich studied hard and became a teacher of mathematics and physics, and further the carrier path led him to a position of a irector of public schools of Simbirsk gybernia.
02:31:17***View of Maria Alexsandrovana photo*** ] Commentator: Maria Alexsandrovana was a daughter of a doctor and was raised in a village. Though, she passed the extern exams to be a teacher, she devoted her life o her family and children.
02:49:14***Photo of Ulyanov family*** ] Commentator: Ulyanov family was big: the oldest daughter Anna, son Alexander, Vladimir, Olga, Dmitry and the youngest Maria. All Ulyanov children became evolutionaries.
03:18:23***View of living room*** ] Commentator: In this living room Ulyanov family gathered in the evenings. Everybody liked music, so Maria Alexandrovna often played piano. (Music playing) Vladimir and Alexander liked playing chess. Children liked to play on the back yard. This is a stair case lead to Vladimirfs room. Vladimir attended a gymnasium since he was nine and graduated at seventeen with honors as the best student with excellent arks and behavior. (View of the medal and honorable card)
04:22:11***View of Alexanderfs room***
] Commentator: This is Alexanderfs room. He was a student of St. Petersburg University. Alexander was arrested and hanged for participating in a terrorist bomb plot threatening the life of Tsar Alexander III. He died as a real hero. Ulyanov family courageously took the lost of Alexander, which was right after the family lost of the father. Admiring his brother sacrifice, Vladimir did not approve the way of the errorist actions. Lenin had found a right way for the revolution in Marxist theory.
05:29:13***View of river*** ] Commentator: In the summer of 1887 year Ulyanov family moved to Kazan. Vladimir Ilyich was admitted to Kazan University for law program. Soon he became a member of illegal student group. Students protested the police regime of the University. Moreover, as a form of the protest, Vladimir Ulyanov requested to be expelled from the University. He was arrested and banished to his family estate in the village of Kokushkino, about 40 km from Kazan. There already was in exile his eldest sister, Anna for participation in revolutionary activities. In this house lived Ulyanov family. Vladimir Ilyich recollected this period as the most influential time during which he read a lot. Reading works of Russian revolutionary authors he had faced a gloom reality of Russian future. gGo to Volga, whose groan you hear above the Great Russian River? These are the words from Nikolay Alexeyevich Nekrasov poem. his groan was heard everywhere in Russia. (View of poor Russian peasants)
08:01:01***View of house*** ] Commentator: About one year Vladimir spent in exile; after he was allowed to return to Kazan, though, he was refused to resume his studies at university. In his file, it was marked his connection with his brother Alexander. During this time Vladimir Ilyich read the work of Marx Capital. His sister Anna recollected: gHe read it with a great degree of passion. Inspired by Marx theory, he told me about erspectives which the theory opened for the future of Russia.h
08:42:19***View of Leninfs photo*** ] Commentator: Vladimir established a network with revolutionary groups. In 1889, Ulyanov family moves to Samara where Vladimir Ilyich prepared to pass the exams for university. It was not an easy life for a young revolutionary. In Samara Gazette in classified section can be found a following Ad: Give lessons. Can come to your house. Nevertheless, Vladimir Ulyanov passed the exams for St. Petersburg University and received a Law Diploma of Fist degree. During those years living in Kazan and Samara Vladimirfs revolutionary attitude was formed. During this time he wrote one of the first works New Economical Movement in Peasant Life. (View of book)
10:03:08***Page second. In the Leadership of Russian Marxists*** ] Commentator: St. Petersburg was a capital of Russian Empire. There came from Samara 23]year old Vladimir Ulyanov. Vladimir had a mixed first impression of the
city located on Neva River. 95]1905
Reel # 7: Early years of revolution 18
00:11:01***View of poor district*** ] Commentator: This is a poor area with manufacture plants and factories nearby. Lenin rented an apartment in a labor district of Petersburg. He found a job as an attorney assistant, but all his energy he devoted to the revolutionary activities. Vladimir Ilyich developed a network with the leading workers: Babushkin (***Picture of Babushkin***), Gribakin (***Picture of Gribakin**), Shulgunov (***Picture of Shulgunov***), Knyasev (***Picture of Knyasev***). Lenin actively
propagated Marxist theory.
01:04:13***View of building*** ] Commentator: Bellow Nevskaya Zastava, in one of the Sunday schools for the workers Nadezhda Krupskaya worked as a teacher. In February 1894 Nadezhda Krupskaya and Vladimir Lenin met fist time. The common interests drew them together and made the basis for their strong love and friendship. Vladimir Ilyich had onaries and became their leader.
gained enormous trust of the Petersburg revoluti
01:41:19***View of group picture with Lenin*** ] Commentator: In 1895 Lenin established a Committee for Freedom of Working Class, which was a prototype of a new proletarian type party. This committee also of Marxism with the worker movement.
started connecting theoretical ideas
02:03:08***View of printed files*** ] Commentator: The Okhrana, the tsarist political police, had watched the activities of the group. On December 8, 1895 Vladimir Ilyich was arrested. For fourteen months he was held in jail, in a solitary confinement. (***View of jail***) However, he still managed to lead the revolutionary movement from jail and worked on the development of the party program and began writing his famous work The Development of Capitalism in Russia. For conspiracy purpose, Lenin wrote between the lines of the different books in milk, and made ink containers of bread, which were eaten every time a watchman came to the door of his cell. In his letter he
wrote: gToday I ate six ink containers.h03:11:07***View of the Leninfs file***
] Commentator: In connection to the activities of the committee in February of 1897, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin was banished for three years to Eastern Siberia. (***View of
Leninfs mug shots***)
03:24:11***View of rail, boat*** ] Commentator: It was a long and rough route through the vast Russian territory to Siberia. He was heading for Shushenskoye village. (***View of village***) In one of his letters to his sister Maria he described the village: gThis is quite a big village with two main dirty and dusty streets. g Therefore, the conditions of the exile were difficult, but Lenin did not lose his willpower and optimism. He worked hard and met other people there. In one year his fiancee Krupskaya came to Shushenskoye for her connection with the revolutionary propaganda. There they got married. In Shushenskoye Lenin wrote more then 30 theoretical works and finished writing The ussia. (***View of the book***)
Development of Capitalism in R
04:37:02***View of village*** ] Commentator: During the breaks, Vladimir Ilyich went for walks and hinting. He fell in love with the beautiful nature of this part of Russia. His exile was coming to the end and Lenin anticipated being free. At this time he faced a complex issue of how to begin the struggle for Marxist party in Russia. Then Lenin decided that eeds its newspaper.
revolution n
05:39:04***From a spark fire will grow. Page tree*** ] Commentator: Lenin was ordered not to live in the big cities. Thus he moved to Pskov close to St. Petersburg to prepare everything necessary for publishing and distribution of the newspaper. In the tsar officerfs file it was written: g Now Ulyanov is the most profound revolutionary in Russia.h Letter tsar police decided to murder
06:16:17***View from train window*** ] Commentator: In July of 1900 Lenin had to leave Russia; he went to Geneva. There he met a great revolutionary Plekhanov together they organized the publication of Iskra (The spark) the purpose of which to prepare Russian people for the
06:43:00***View of the building*** ] Commentator: In December of 1900 in German city Leipzig fist issue of the newspaper was printed. (***View of the front page of newspaper***) On the front page Leninfs article introduced the key strategies of the revolutionary movement. The copies of the newspaper were Illegally transferred through the boarder to Russia. The agents of Iskra not only secretly helped to circulate the newspaper in Russia but also organized the trade revolutionary unions. The most prominent activists were Nikolai Bauman (***View of his picture***), Ivan Babushkin (***View
of his picture***), Mikhail Kalinin (***View of his picture***), Elena Stasova (***View of her picture***), Dmitri Ulyanov (***View of his picture***), Maxim Litvinov (***View of his picture***), Natalya Zemlyachko (***View of her picture***), Anna Ulyanova]Elizarova (***View of her picture***), Maria Ulyanova
(***View of her picture***) and more.
07:40:11***View of Iskra newspaper*** ] Commentator: Iskra found a wide audience of readers, prepared theoretically and organized the development of Marxist Party. The bases of the proletarian party were reflected in Leninfs book What Is to Be Done? It was the fist solid work signed
with pseudonym Lenin.
08:06:05***View of drawing*** ] Commentator: The book and newspaper prepared conditions for II All Russian Congress of Social Democratic Party in July 1903. The division coloured the congress. The delegates split into gBolsheviksh (men of majority), who shared Leninfs views and gMensheviksh (men of minority). At the congress delegates decided on the program and manifest of the party: liquidation of tsarism and
victory of social revolution.
09:05:16***View of book*** ] Commentator: Later, Lenin in his book One Step Forward and Two Steps Back viks.
criticized the politics of Menshe
09:14:18***9 January 1905*** ] Commentator: In this day known as Bloody Sunday began the fist national revolution. Tsar Nicolas II ordered to shoot unarmed people. Unrest and rolling ny Russian cities.
waves of revolt took place in ma
10:01:08***View of London*** ] Commentator: In April 1905 in London the III Congress of Party took place under Leninfs leadership. The Congress allocated tactics, which would contribute to the victory of the revolution. About this approach and development of the revolution enin wrote book Two Tactics of SocialDemocracy in Party.
Reel #3: ***Music playing*** ] Commentator: In the entire country revolutionary movement grew; workers created revolutionary unions, which were prototypes for the future organs of the Labor party. Farmers had destroyed the upper class mansions and appropriated the land. *** View of a ship*** In June, on the Black sea, sailors of battleship Potemkin rebelled. In October the whole country was in revolt. ***View of city and factory***
00:55:12***Drawing of Lenin*** ] Commentator: In November Lenin returned to Russia to lead the revolution personally. In December, in Moscow begun armed rebellion. ***Sound of gunshots*** For nine days workers continued their heroic revolt, which was utality. Tsarists succeeded again.
suppressed with inhuman br
01:29:12***Black screen*** ] Commentator: The fist Russian revolution was defeated. Though, Bolshevik party emained its activities.
secretly r01:39:09 ***Without gGeneral rehearsalh of 1905 the victory of the October 1917 would be impossible. Le
revolution ofnin***
01:50:16***Difficult years of exile. Page four. Music playing*** ] Commentator: Lenin had to leave Russia again, and his exile continued for ten long and difficult years. All these years Lenin spent to fight against opportunists to save the revolutionary movement in Labor Party. Fist, he lived in Geneva and then for
four years in Paris. (Sound of music)
02:31:19***Parisian Communard cemetery*** ] Commentator: Peer]Lachaise cemetery, the wall of Parisian Communards this place Lenin visited often. On 4 Mary Rose Street, at this house in a small apartment, Vladimir Ilich Lenin lived with his family. He cycled through the whole Paris everyday to Parisian National library. Lenin was a reader of more then fifty libraries of the world. In May of 1909, he published his book Materialism and Empiriocriticism in which he developed Marxist philosophy. In Longjumeau, in suburbs of Paris, was organized a school of socialism for Russian]Bolsheviks. At this school Lenin taught political economy, agronomy, theoretical and practical socialism. Being a prominent figure in the international revolutionary movement, Lenin never forget
his family and especially his mother. of Leninfs letter to his mother***
04:02:18***View] Commentator: Dear mommy, I worry that you live in a cold apartment. Worry that you can catch a flue. May be you should install an iron hitter? Hug you my dear and ish you to stay healthy. (Shows a picture of Leninfs mother)
04:21:09***Change of scene. Group of men. Music playing*** ] Commentator: The years of reaction in Russia had change into revolutionary
movement. 04:33:22***View on Prague***
] Commentator: In January 1912 in Prague under Lenin leadership the Sixth Russian conference was organized during which was defined a political direction of the party under contemporary conditions. (Music playing) During this period was found daily revolutionary newspaper for workers gPravdah (=gTruthh), (***View of the cover page of the newspaper. Music playing***) the fist print of newspaper came out in 5 May 1912. Vladimir Ilyich practically was the editor of gPravdah and wrote many
articles for it.
05:13:13***View of city buildings*** ] Commentator: In 1912 in order to be close to Russia, Lenin moved to Poland. In the winter he lived in Cracow and in the summer in Bialy Dunajec near Poronin. In this oms. (View of the interior of the rooms)
house Lenin with his family occupied two ro
05:44:12***View of desk, music playing*** ] Commentator: Party members from Russia came to this house to visit Lenin. There they had their meetings to discuss politics of the party. Lenin during these years ics.
particularly worked on the national polit
06:02:18***1914 year, music playing*** ] Commentator: (Group picture of bourgeons) World War, which had being planed for decades by imperialists, began. It was delinquent and violent. (Bomb explosions and chronics of war) Lenin and Bolsheviks led a fight with socio] chauvinists for unify the internationalists, for transition of WWI into civil war, for defeat of the monarchy. Against war were Bolsheviks in Duma. Tsar government ordered to arrest delegates Petrovski, Samoilov, Muranov, Badaev and Shagov to life long exile
in Siberia.
07:27:06***View of essay*** ] Commentator: During war years Lenin wrote his genius work Imperialism, the highest stage of Capitalism in which he determined that imperialism is canon of social revolution of proletariat. (View of the book) In this period Lenin made a great discovery of the advantages of the victory of socialism movement at fist in one
07:53:00***Crowd of people yelling, march playing*** ] Commentator: Russia was ready for a revolution. Workers and farmers were ainst monarchy. (View of people revolting)
exhausted of war turned their fight ag
08:06:04***Picture of Nicholas II *** ] Commentator: Tsar Nicholas II was arrested, and in February of 1917, the rule of Romanov dynasty ended. Social Democratic Revolution had begun. (View of a demonstration) Unions of farmers and workers were organized in many parts of Russia.
08:30:11***View of meeting*** ] Commentator: However, the power was overtaken by a temporary government formed of the bourgeois, who were for continuation of the war. Two opposing
governments divided the country.
08:41:06***View of a demonstration***
] Commentator: Lenin addressing Russian revolutionist workers wrote: gWorkers, you have demonstrated heroic miracles during civil fight against tsarists. Now you need to prepare to win in the second stage of the revolution. g (View of rial)
written mate
09:02:00***Prominent figure of social revolution. Page five. Music playing*** ] Commentator: It was 3 April 1917 revolutionary Petrograd welcomed Lenin. In his to the social revolution!h
enthusiastic speech Lenin called: g Hooray
09:32:15***View of Tavrichesky Palace*** ] Commentator continues: Next day Vladimir Ilyich presented his passionate speech in the Tavrichesky Palace, which was latter called April thesis of Lenin. The April Thesis consisted of the scientifically based plan for transition from a bourgeois on.
democracy to the social revoluti
09:56:20***Crowd of people*** ] Commentator: Bolsheviks carried into masses Leninfs ideas; they influenced the public each day. Slogans as gNo support to the temporary government! All of the power to the Soviet!h It was an incentive for a peaceful negotiation. On July 4 more then 500 workers and soldiers went on the streets of Petrograd with slogans: gNo to capitalism and all the power to the Soviet!h However, the temporary government ordered to shoot at the participants of the peaceful demonstration. It pushed the arrests of some members of the revolutionary movement. Thus, it was the end of the hase of the revolution.
peaceful peel #17:
] Commentator: Russian temporary government had decided to arrest Lenin, so Lenin had to escape in disguise. With the help of his friends he reached Petrograd station Razliv, and stayed at Bolshevik house of Emelyanova. Lenin hid in a shack and those tree stumps he called Green office. Here Lenin wrote books To Slogan and Government and Revolution. Meanwhile, the temporary government assured to remain the power and destroy the revolution. For the purpose in Moscow was called a conference. The members of the conference were bankers, fabricants, officers, the
aristocracy and general Kornilov. Bolsheviks rose to fight against Kornilov and the lan of counterrevolution did not seceded.
02:04:05***View of crowd*** ] Commentator: The number and influence of Bolsheviks grew among the workers, soldiers and farmers. Lenin with risk for his life illegally returned to Petrograd from Finland. Here at this last secret apartment Lenin presents the plan for the last advancement of the revolution. On October 10th there was held a meeting of the Central Committee of the party. Historical resolution of military rebellion was approved. On October 16, the wide meeting of the Central Committee approved a military center for rising, which included Andrey Bubnov, Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky, Yakov Mikhaylovich Sverdlov, Josef Stalin and Moisei Solomonovich ritsky.
03:19:18***View of painting*** ] Commentator: When uprising was in culmination stage comrades Kamenev and Zinoviev opposed the methods of the rebellion. Lenin demanded their temporary expulsion from the Bolshevik party. The situation in St. Petersburg was getting worse. On October 24 from every direction of the city, groups of armed workers, oldiers and sailors moved towards city center. The rebellion began.
04:05:14***Leninfs letter*** ] Commentator: Lenin addressed members of Central Committee in his letter:h I demand to arrest the temporary government. We cannot wait!! We can lose verything!! Any delay of the operation means death!h
04:26:22***View of stairs*** ] Commentator: In the evening of 24 October, Lenin abandoned his last conspiracy. Walking on the streets filled with violent fights, positioning his life at risk, Lenin headed to the center of the city toward Smolny. The leader of the party Vladimir Ilyich Lenin took personal control of the military rising. In the morning on October 25, the city was in Bolsheviks hands except the Winter Palace, where the temporary overnment was situated.
05:21:06***View of tanks***
] Commentator: The fight is won! In Leninfs response to the Russian people he wrote:h The temporary government is dispatched. National power transferred to the military revolutionary committee.h Unfortunately, the events of that time were not captured, but retrospective films allow us imagine the excitement of the period. There you can see a Petrograd meeting of the Soviet party. gComrades! The worker]armer revolution, about which Bolsheviks had talked for a long time, proceeded!h
06:10:09***Change of scene*** ] Commentator: The last refugee of the temporary government remained in the Winter Palace. The gunshot of the cruiser Aurora signaled to advance the troops and onquer the Palace.
06:45:21***Page six. Establisher of Soviet Country*** ] Commentator: There is Smolny where Lenin worked. At Smolny Lenin wrote first acts of the Soviet power. There, at Smolny was held All Russian congress of Soviet, during which the peace agreement was signed. Also was approved land decree, which gave the entire land to people. At the congress was formed the first worker]armer government] Soviet of National Commissars under Lenin leadership.
07:40:11***View of map*** Commentator: The Soviet power triumphed through entire country.
07:50:03***Train at night*** ] Commentator: At night on March 11 of 1918 from Petrograd was coming unusual train. The Central Committee of party and the Soviet government under Leninfs leadership were moving to Moscow in order to be it the middle of the country. oviet Republic.
Moscow had become the capital of the S
08:27:00***View of Moscow streets*** ] Commentator: Even though the streets of Moscow still carried some signs of October events, the spirit of new life was present in the air. Kremlin became a place where the Central Committee and Soviet of Commissars created headquarters. To the former building of law were moved files of Sovnarkom. To this building moved nd Vladimir Ilyich.
09:16:14***Office*** ] Commentator: This is the office of the National Commissars. The door led to the conference room. The hallway connected the office with Leninfs apartment. This is the Leninfs room with a bed that covered with a blanket, which was a present from Leninfs mother. This is Nadezhda Konstantinovna room. This is Maria Ilyinishna (Leninfs sister) room. This is a dining room and kitchen, where Lenin liked to have ea and conversations with his friends and relatives. There is Leninfs family picture.
Pages 6]7
Reel #16:
00:15:21 ] Commentator: In short term the economy and politics were reformed in Russia. Banks were nationalized as well as transportation and manufacturing sector. Land was given to people. By very difficult struggle the war was stopped, and a break was
00:48:21***View of ship*** ] Commentator: But against a new republic, countries of enemies such as the US, German, France, England and Japan united. Intervenes helped to organize the White ounterrevolutionary army. The war brought distress, famine and death to Russia.
02:00:14***map of occupied Russia*** ] Commentator: Enemies surrounded soviet Russia; three quarters of Russian territory was occupied. Lenin announced: gVictory or death!h
02:23:19***View of Michelson plant*** ] Commentator: On 30 of August Lenin visited Michelson plant. After Lenin had spoken at a meeting, he was on the way out was shot. Kaplan made a murder attempt. Lenin was badly wounded with poisoned bullets. The event shook the entire country. On the meetings at front, plants and villages people showed their nger with the event. Everyone followed the news about Leninfs health.
03:25:19***View of letter*** ] Commentator: gLenin survived the wounds because of his strong body,h these are the worlds from the last doctors conclusion about Leninfs health. At the end of the conclusion Lenin added: gAccording the doctors conclusion about my good health, I
strongly ask do not bather doctors with your calls and questions. 18 IX 1918 lyanov/Lenin.h
03:47:07***Lenin at Kremlin square*** ] Commentator: Lenin first walk on Kremlinfs square after illness was captured on film. When this film was shown at the theaters, the public was delighted and reacted ith the long ovation.
04:35:16***View of Lenin at podium*** ] Commentator: On the day of the first anniversary of October, Moscow people saw Lenin at Red Square. At the same day at the opening of the monument for Marx and Engels, Lenin made a speech about the worthwhile contribution of Marx and Engels to the Russian revolution. Marx and Engels scientifically proved the crush of the capitalism and the victory of communism. They also directed proletariat of all countries, appointed their roles to rise and unite against Capital. Lenin led the country military affairs. On 25 of March in 1919 Lenin was presented on the worker]soldiers parade of military schools where he stressed the importance of ilitary education of workers for protecting their revolutional course.
05:55:14***View of poor people*** ] Commentator: Now listen to Leninfs voice:
Soldiers of the Red army! Capitalists of England, France and America lead the war against the Soviet Republic. They support with money and weapon the Russian aristocracy who guide the fight form Siberia, Don and North Caucasus willing to reestablish the power of the tsar and aristocracy. No, it is impossible! The Red army unconquerable because it united millions of farmers and workers, who had learned about fighting, collective discipline, failure at the previous battles where they have learned to be stronger and braver fighting against the enemies till the complete victory.
07:04:14***View of soldiers*** ] Commentator: Red army won one battle after another. The Red army crushed nited international imperialism and contra revolution forces.
O7: 20:21***View of Leninfs portrait***
] Commentator: During these difficult years Lenin had been demonstrated his genius, political wisdom and organizational talent. To our victory contributed the help and solidarity of the international workers. In November of 1918 year rose a revolutionary movement in Germany. This is a view of Karl Liebknecht addressing a crowd. In March of 1919 year began revolution in Hungary. This is a leader of Hungarian communists Bela Kun. gHands away from Russia!h demanded French proletariat leaders. English workers demanded recognition of Soviet Republic. Garry Pollet is on the tribune. In all countries the working class movement supported Soviet Russia. At this time, the communist parties and groups in these countries had merged.
08:36:00***View of Lenin*** ] Commentator: Leninfs presentation before the III Congress of Communist International was recorded. In July of 1920 was held the Second Congress of Commentern. Lenin presented information about international situation and the plans of the international. Leninfs ideas led the path for the Commentern activities at.
and helped to unite the international proletari
09:21:20***Photo of Lenin with other men*** ] Commentator: In one year at the III Congress of Communist International attended communist representatives of 48 countries. Vladimir Ilyich is getting ready for the peech.
09:47:06***Seventh page. Concerns of the New World*** ] Commentator: Leninfs plan of socialist and economic development reformed the peoplefs life. Communist Saturdays widely spread from the spring of 1919. There is Lenin on Saturday workday at Kremlin. Lenin sew a great perspective in stablishing work Saturdays.
Reel # 10:
00:11:11***View of Kremlin*** ] Commentator: The main development of national economy Lenin considered electrification of the entire country. Lenin ideas served as fundamentals for GOELRO and composed the fist national plan of economical development for the next ten] ifteen years.
00:32:18***View of book***
] Commentator: Lenin offered to discuss the plan at the VIII Congress of Soviet. Gleb Krijanovski, close associate of Lenin, presented the plan of electrification at the congress. The congress members agreed on the plan by single vote. The Bolshevik arty concentrated on the plan for the nation]wide economic development.
01:00:06***Air view of factory***
] Commentator: Renewed their work plants and factories. Agriculture grew rapidly and English tanks were handy. Peasant cooperative organizations were established. Trade boosted because of the increases of manufacturing the consumer goods. ntense mass education of adults and children took place.
01:53:04***View of Bolshoi Theater*** ] Commentator: Triumph of the Leninfs national politics was a creation of the Union f Soviet Social States in December of 1922.
02:16:22***View of office*** ] Commentator: Years of exile, jails, overwork and assassination attempt damaged Leninfs health. Being already sick, Lenin dictated to his wife several papers regarding the government, which became his last will to the party and the whole ation.
02:50:04***View of car driving*** ] Commentator: 15 May of 1923 year Lenin moved to Gorki outside Moscow. Friends came to visit Lenin as well as delegates of workers. Everybody knew Ilyicha as a very kind, simple and humble person. The whole nation loved him. Many letters and telegrams were sent to Gorki with the best wishes for recovery. Meanwhile, Leninfs health seemingly was better. In the evenings Nadezhda Konstantinovna read to enin. Lenin with pleasure watched movies.
04:20:03***View of nature*** ] Commentator: Fall ended and came winter. Suddenly for everybody the worst at 6:50 PM Lenin died.
happened. 21 of January 1924 year04:57:15***View of newspaper***
] Commentator: The Central Committee of the party addressed workers: gEverything great proletariat has: bright mind, strong will, sanity hatred to suppression and slavery, revolutionary passion, which moves the mountains, vast fate in creativity of the masses, humongous revolutionary activist and grand organized genius everything was in Lenin. His name became a symbol of a new world from east to
west, from south to north.h
06:02:09***View of Red Square*** ] Commentator: There is an endless stream of people coming to see Lenin. The time does not have power on Leninfs genius. Leninfs ideas merged into work and pursuit of the Soviet nation. The Soviet Union has become very powerful industrial country. Leninfs dream about electrification of the whole country came true. (***View of electro station, music playing) Leninfs plan of cooperation of farmers is taken to the action too. Now the Soviet Union is a country of highly mechanical agriculture. More than hundred nationalities united in brotherly family of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic. Every fourth person in the USSR is attending school. In the USSR and around the world people study Leninfs written works, which translated into more than hundred languages. (***View of books on shelf) The Soviet Union is a world leader in science employing atomfs energy to serve the nation and opening the way outer space.

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