Thursday 31 January 2013

Computer Fraud

Computer Fraud

The input, alteration, erasure or suppression of computer data or
computer programmes, or other interference with the course of data
processing, that influences the result of data processing thereby causing
economic or possessory loss of property of another person with the
intent of procuring an unlawful economic gain for himself or for
another person, or with the intent to unlawfully deprive that person of
his property.

Computer Forgery

The, input, alteration, erasure or suppression of computer data or
computer programmes, or other interference with the course of data
processing, in a manner or under such conditions, as prescribed by
national law, that it would constitute the offence of forgery if it had
been committed with respect to a traditional object of such an offence.
Damage to Computer Data or Computer


The erasure, damaging, deterioration or suppression of computer data
or computer programmes without right.

Computer Sabotage

The input, alteration, erasure or suppression of computer data or
computer programmes, or interference with computer systems, with
the intent to hinder the functioning of a computer or a
telecommunications system.

Unauthorized Access

The access without right to a computer system or network by infringing
security measures.

Unauthorized Interception

The interception, made without right and by technical means, of
communications to, from and within a computer system or network.
In the United Kingdom, crimes that fall into the above categories are
covered by the UK Computer Misuse Act (1990).

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