Thursday 31 January 2013

Propagation MODES

Propagation MODES

A signal radiated from an antenna travels along one of three routes: ground wave,
sky wave, or line of sight (LOS). Table 5.3 shows in which frequency range each
predominates. In this book, we are almost exclusively concerned with LOS communication,
but a short overview of each mode is given in this section.
Ground Wave Propagation
Ground wave propagation (Figure 5.5a) more or less follows the contour of the
earth and can propagate considerable distances, well over the visual horizon. This
effect is found in frequencies up to about 2 MHz. Several factors account for the
tendency of electromagnetic wave in this frequency band to follow the earth's curvature.
One factor is that the electromagnetic wave induces a current in the earth's
surface, the result of which is to slow the wavefront near the earth, causing the wavefront
to tilt downward and hence follow the earth's curvature. Another factor is diffraction,
which is a phenomenon having to do with the behavior of electromagnetic
waves in the presence of obstacles.
Electromagnetic waves in this frequency range are scattered by the atmosphere
in such a way that they do not penetrate the upper atmosphere.
The best-known example of ground wave communication is AM radio.
Sky Wave Propagation
Sky wave propagation is used for amateur radio, CB radio, and international broadcasts
such as BBC and Voice of America. With sky wave propagation, a signal from
an earth-based antenna is reflected from the ionized layer of the upper atmosphere
(ionosphere) back down to earth. Although it appears the wave is reflected from the
ionosphere as if the ionosphere were a hard reflecting surface, the effect is in fact
caused by refraction. Refraction is described subsequently.
A sky wave signal can travel through a number of hops, bouncing back and
forth between the ionosphere and the earth's surface (Figure 5.5b). With this propagation
mode, a signal can be picked up thousands of kilometers from the transmitter.
Line-of-Sight Propagation
Above 30 MHz, neither ground wave nor sky wave propagation modes operate, and
communication must be by line of sight (Figure 5.5c). For satellite communication, a
signal above 30 MHz is not reflected by the ionosphere and therefore can be transmitted
between an earth station and a satellite overhead that is not beyond the horizon.
For ground-based communication, the transmitting and receiving antennas must be
within an effective line of sight of each other. The term effective is used because
microwaves are bent or refracted by the atmosphere. The amount and even the direction
of the bend depends on conditions, but generally microwaves are bent with the
curvature of the earth and will therefore propagate farther than the optical line of sight.
Refraction Before proceeding, a brief discussion of refraction is warranted. Refraction
occurs because the velocity of an electromagnetic wave is a function of the density
of the medium through which it travels. In a vacuum, an electromagnetic wave (such as
light or a radio wave) travels at approximately 3 X 108 m/s. This is the constant, c,
commonly referred to as the speed of light, but actually referring to the speed of light
in a vacuum. In air, water, glass, and other transparent or partially transparent media,
electromagnetic waves travel at speeds less than c.
When an electromagnetic wave moves from a medium of one density to a
medium of another density, its speed changes. The effect is to cause a one-time
bending of the direction of the wave at the boundary between the two media. This is
illustrated in Figure 5.6. If moving from a less dense to a more dense medium, the
wave will bend toward the more dense medium. This phenomenon is easily
observed by partially immersing a stick in water. The result will look much like
Figure 5.6, with the stick appearing shorter and bent.
The index of refraction of one medium relative to another is the sine of the
angle of incidence divided by the sine of the angle of refraction. The index of refraction
is also equal to the ratio of the respective velocities in the two media. The
absolute index of refraction of a medium is calculated in comparison with that of a
vacuum. Refractive index varies with wavelength, so that refractive effects differ for
signals with different wavelengths.
Although Figure 5.6 shows an abrupt, one-time change in direction as a signal
moves from one medium to another, a continuous, gradual bending of a signal will
occur if it is moving through a medium in which the index of refraction gradually
changes. Under normal propagation conditions, the refractive index of the atmosphere
decreases with height so that radio waves travel more slowly near the ground than at

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