Properties of Modular Arithmetic
Zn = {0, 1,...,(n 1)}
This is referred to as the set of
residues, or residue
classes modulo n. To be more precise,
each integer in Zn represents a
residue class. We can label the residue classes modulo n as [0], [1], [2],...,[n 1], where
[r] = {a: a is an integer,
r (mod n)}
The residue classes modulo 4 are
| |
[0] = { ..., 16, 12, 8, 4, 0, 4, 8, 12, 16,... }
| |
[1] = { ..., 15, 11, 7, 3, 1, 5, 9, 13, 17,... }
| |
[2] = { ..., 14, 10, 6, 2, 2, 6, 10, 14, 18,... }
| |
[3] = { ..., 13, 9, 5, 1, 3, 7, 11, 15, 19,...
Of all the integers in a residue class, the smallest
nonnegative integer is the one usually used to represent the residue class.
Finding the smallest nonnegative integer to which k is congruent modulo n
is called reducing k
modulo n.
If we perform modular arithmetic within Zn, the properties shown in Table 4.2 hold for integers in Zn. Thus, Zn is a commutative ring with a multiplicative
identity element (Figure
Commutative laws
(w + x) mod n = (x + w) mod n
(w x x) mod n = (x x w) mod n |
Associative laws
[(w + x) + y] mod n = [w + (x + y)] mod n
[(w x x) x y] mod n = [w x (x x y)] mod n |
Distributive laws
[w + (x + y)] mod n = [(w x x) + (w x y)] mod n
[w + (x x y)] mod n = [(w + x) x (w + y)] mod n |
(0 + w) mod n = w mod n
(1 + w) mod n = w mod n |
Additive inverse (-w)
For each w
There is one peculiarity of modular arithmetic that sets it
apart from ordinary arithmetic. First, observe that, as in ordinary arithmetic,
we can write the following:
Equation 4-2
(5 + 23)
Equation (4.2) is consistent with the existence of an
additive inverse. Adding the additive inverse of a to both sides of Equation (4.2), we have:
((a) + a + b)
((a) + a + c)(mod n)
c (mod n)
However, the following statement is true only with the attached
Equation 4-3
where the term relatively prime
is defined as follows: two integers are relatively prime if their
only common positive integer factor is 1. Similar to the case of Equation (4.2), we can say that Equation (4.3) is consistent with the
existence of a multiplicative inverse. Applying the multiplicative inverse of
a to both sides of Equation (4.2), we have:
c (mod n)
To see this, consider an example in which the condition of Equation (4.3) does not hold. The integers 6
and 8 are not relatively prime, since they have the common factor 2. We have the
6 x 3 = 18
6 x 7 = 42
Yet 3
The reason for this strange result is that for any general
modulus n, a multiplier a that is applied in turn to the integers 0 through
(n 1) will fail to produce a complete set of
residues if a and n have any factors in common.
With a = 6 and n = 8,
Because we do not have a complete set of residues when
multiplying by 6, more than one integer in Z8 maps into the same
residue. Specifically, 6 x 0 mod 8 = 6 x 4 mod 8; 6 x 1 mod 8 = 6 x 5 mod 8; and
so on. Because this is a many-to-one mapping, there is not a unique inverse to
the multiply operation.
However, if we take a = 5 and
n = 8, whose only common factor is 1,
The line of residues contains all the integers in
Z8, in a different order.
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