Thursday 21 March 2013

Public-Key Encryption and Hash Functions

Part Two: Public-Key Encryption and Hash Functions

For practical reasons, it is desirable to use different encryption and decryption keys in a crypto-system. Such asymmetric systems allow the encryption key to be made available to anyone while preserving confidence that only people who hold the decryption key can decipher the information.
Computers at Risk: Safe Computing in the Information Age, National Research Council, 1991
After symmetric encryption, the other major form of encryption is public-key encryption, which has revolutionized communications security. A related cryptographic area is that of cryptographic hash functions. Hash functions are used in conjunction with symmetric ciphers for digital signatures. In addition, hash functions are used for message authentication. Symmetric ciphers are also used for key management. All of these areas are discussed in Part Two.

Road Map for Part Two

Chapter 8: Introduction to Number Theory
Most public-key schemes are based on number theory. While the reader can take the number theoretic results on faith, it is useful to have a basic grasp of the concepts of number theory. Chapter 8 provides an overview and numerous examples to clarify the concepts.
Chapter 9: Public-Key Cryptography and RSA
Chapter 9 introduces public-key cryptography and concentrates on its use to provide confidentiality. This chapter also examines the most widely used public-key cipher, the Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) algorithm.

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Chapter 10: Key Management; Other Public-Key Cryptosystems
Chapter 10 revisits the issue of key management in light of the capabilities of symmetric ciphers. The chapter also covers the widely used Diffie-Hellman key exchange technique and looks at a more recent public-key approach based on elliptic curves.
Chapter 11: Message Authentication and Hash Functions
Of equal importance to confidentiality as a security measure is authentication. At a minimum, message authentication assures that a message comes from the alleged source. In addition, authentication can include protection against modification, delay, replay, and reordering. Chapter 11 begins with an analysis of the requirements for authentication and then provides a systematic presentation of approaches to authentication. A key element of authentication schemes is the use of an authenticator, usually either a message authentication code (MAC) or a hash function. Design considerations for both of these types of algorithms are examined, and several specific examples are analyzed.
Chapter 12: Hash and MAC Algorithms
Chapter 12 extends the discussion of the preceding chapter to discuss two of the most important cryptographic hash functions (SHA and Whirlpool) and two of the most important MACs (HMAC) and CMAC.
Chapter 13: Digital Signatures and Authentication Protocols
An important type of authentication is the digital signature. Chapter 13 examines the techniques used to construct digital signatures and looks at an important standard, the Digital Signature Standard (DSS).
The various authentication techniques based on digital signatures are building blocks in putting together authentication algorithms. The design of such algorithms involves the analysis of subtle attacks that can defeat many apparently secure protocols. This issue is also addressed in Chapter 14.

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