Sunday 27 January 2013


achieve                            achieved, achieving, achievement (not -ei-)
                                       See also ADDING ENDINGS (ii.); EI/IE SPELLING
acknowledgement/          Both spellings are correct but be
acknowledgment             consistent within one piece of writing.
acquaint acquainted         (not aq-)
acquaintance                   (not -ence)
acquiesce                        acquiesced, acquiescing (not aq-)
acquiescence                  (not -ance)
acquire                           acquired, acquiring, acquisition
                                      (not aq-)
acreage                          Note that there are three syllables here.
                                     (not acrage)
across                           (not accross)
adapter or adaptor?       Traditional usage would distinguish
                                     between these two words and reserve
                                      -er for the person (an adapter of novels,
                                     for instance) and -or for the piece of
                                     electrical equipment. However, the
                                      distinction has become very blurred and
                                    the two spellings are considered by many
                                    authorities to be interchangeable. Use
                                    either for both meanings but be consistent
                                   within a single piece of writing.
addendum (singular)    addenda (plural)
                                   See FOREIGN PLURALS.
adding endings             Usually endings (suffixes) can be added to
                                   base words without any complications.
                                  You just add them and that is that!
                                  e.g. iron + ing = ironing
                                  steam + er = steamer
                                  list + less = listless
                                  However, there are four groups of words
                                 which need especial care. Fortunately,
                                 there are some straightforward rules

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