Saturday, 26 January 2013

Edison's Method In Inventing - 5

Edison's Method In Inventing - 5

 It is possible only to a broad, comprehensive mind well stored with knowledge, and
backed with resistless, boundless energy, that such a diversified series of experiments and
investigations could be carried on simultaneously and assimilated, even though they
should relate to a class of phenomena already understood and well defined. But if we
pause to consider that the commercial subdivision of the electric current (which was
virtually an invention made to order) involved the solution of problems so unprecedented
that even they themselves had to be created, we cannot but conclude that the afflatus of
innate genius played an important part in the unique methods of investigation instituted
by Edison at that and other times.
The idea of attributing great successes to "genius" has always been repudiated by Edison,
as evidenced by his historic remark that "Genius is 1 per cent. inspiration and 99 per cent.
perspiration." Again, in a conversation many years ago at the laboratory between Edison,
Batchelor, and E. H. Johnson, the latter made allusion to Edison's genius as evidenced by
some of his achievements, when Edison replied:
"Stuff! I tell you genius is hard work, stick-to-it- iveness, and common sense."
"Yes," said Johnson, "I admit there is all that to it, but there's still more. Batch and I have
those qualifications, but although we knew quite a lot about telephones, and worked hard,
we couldn't invent a brand-new non-infringing telephone receiver as you did when
Gouraud cabled for one. Then, how about the subdivision of the electric light?"
"Electric current," corrected Edison.
"True," continued Johnson; "you were the one to make that very distinction. The
scientific world had been working hard on subdivision for years, using what appeared to
be common sense. Results worse than nil. Then you come along, and about the first thing
you do, after looking the ground over, is to start off in the opposite direction, which
subsequently proves to be the only possible way to reach the goal. It seems to me that this
is pretty close to the dictionary definition of genius."
It is said that Edison replied rather incoherently and changed the topic of conversation.
This innate modesty, however, does not prevent Edison from recognizing and classifying
his own methods of investigation. In a conversation with two old associates recently
(April, 1909), he remarked: "It has been said of me that my methods are empirical. That
is true only so far as chemistry is concerned. Did you ever realize that practically all
industrial chemistry is colloidal in its nature? Hard rubber, celluloid, glass, soap, paper,
and lots of others, all have to deal with amorphous substances, as to which comparatively
little has been really settled. My methods are similar to those followed by Luther
Burbank. He plants an acre, and when this is in bloom he inspects it. He has a sharp eye,
and can pick out of thousands a single plant that has promise of what he wants. From this
he gets the seed, and uses his skill and knowledge in producing from it a number of new
plants which, on development, furnish the means of propagating an improved variety in
large quantity. So, when I am after a chemical result that I have in mind, I may make
hundreds or thousands of experiments out of which there may be one that promises
results in the right direction. This I follow up to its legitimate conclusion, discarding the
others, and usually get what I am after. There is no doubt about this being empirical; but
when it comes to problems of a mechanical nature, I want to tell you that all I've ever
tackled and solved have been done by hard, logical thinking." The intense earnestness
and emphasis with which this was said were very impressive to the auditors. This
empirical method may perhaps be better illustrated by a specific example. During the
latter part of the storage battery investigations, after the form of positive element had
been determined upon, it became necessary to ascertain what definite proportions and
what quality of nickel hydrate and nickel flake would give the best results. A series of
positive tubes were filled with the two materials in different proportions--say, nine parts
hydrate to one of flake; eight parts hydrate to two of flake; seven parts hydrate to three of
flake, and so on through varying proportions. Three sets of each of these positives were
made, and all put into separate test tubes with a uniform type of negative element. These
were carried through a long series of charges and discharges under strict test conditions.
From the tabulated results of hundreds of tests there were selected three that showed the
best results. These, however, showed only the superiority of cer- tain PROPORTIONS of
the materials. The next step would be to find out the best QUALITY. Now, as there are
several hundred variations in the quality of nickel flake, and perhaps a thousand ways to
make the hydrate, it will be realized that Edison's methods led to stupendous detail, for
these tests embraced a trial of all the qualities of both materials in the three proportions
found to be most suitable. Among these many thousands of experiments any that showed
extraordinary results were again elaborated by still further series of tests, until Edison
was satisfied that he had obtained the best result in that particular line.

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