Wednesday 30 January 2013

Input Profile and MediaCore

Input Profile and MediaCore
If an 8 bpc image fi le has no embedded profi le, sRGB is
assigned , which is close to monitor color
space. This allows the fi le to be color managed, to preserve
its appearance even in a different color space. Toggle
Preserve RGB in the Color Management tab and the
appearance of that image can change with the working
space—not, generally, what you want, which is why After
Effects goes ahead and assigns its best guess.
Video formats (QuickTime being by far the most common)
don’t accept color profi les, but they do require color
interpretation based on embedded data. After Effects
uses an Adobe application called MediaCore to interpret
these fi les automatically; it operates completely behind the
scenes, invisible to you.
You know that MediaCore is handling a fi le when that fi le
has Y’CbCr in the Embedded Profi le info, including DV
and YUV format fi les. In such a case the Color Management
tab is completely grayed out, so there is no option to
override the embedded settings.

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