Tuesday 8 January 2013

OpenMP C and C++ Application Program Interface

OpenMP C and C++ Application Program Interface

This specification covers only user-directed parallelization, wherein the user
explicitly specifies the actions to be taken by the compiler and run-time system in
order to execute the program in parallel. OpenMP C and C++ implementations are
not required to check for dependencies, conflicts, deadlocks, race conditions, or other
problems that result in incorrect program execution. The user is responsible for
ensuring that the application using the OpenMP C and C++ API constructs executes
correctly. Compiler-generated automatic parallelization and directives to the
compiler to assist such parallelization are not covered in this document.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are used in this document:

barrier  A synchronization point that must be reached by all threads in a team.
Each thread waits until all threads in the team arrive at this point. There
are explicit barriers identified by directives and implicit barriers created by
the implementation.
construct A construct is a statement. It consists of a directive and the subsequent
structured block. Note that some directives are not part of a construct. (See
openmp-directive in Appendix C).
directive  A C or C++ #pragma followed by the omp identifier, other text, and a new
line. The directive specifies program behavior.
dynamic extent All statements in the lexical extent, plus any statement inside a function
that is executed as a result of the execution of statements within the lexical
extent. A dynamic extent is also referred to as a region.
lexical extent Statements lexically contained within a structured block.
master thread The thread that creates a team when a parallel region is entered.
parallel region Statements that bind to an OpenMP parallel construct and may be
executed by multiple threads.
private A private variable names a block of storage that is unique to the thread
making the reference. Note that there are several ways to specify that a
variable is private: a definition within a parallel region, a
threadprivate directive, a private, firstprivate,
lastprivate, or reduction clause, or use of the variable as a for
loop control variable in a for loop immediately following a for or
parallel for directive.
region A dynamic extent.
serial region Statements executed only by the master thread outside of the dynamic
extent of any parallel region.
serialize To execute a parallel construct with a team of threads consisting of only a
single thread (which is the master thread for that parallel construct), with
serial order of execution for the statements within the structured block (the
same order as if the block were not part of a parallel construct), and with
no effect on the value returned by omp_in_parallel() (apart from the
effects of any nested parallel constructs).

shared A shared variable names a single block of storage. All threads in a team
that access this variable will access this single block of storage.
structured block A structured block is a statement (single or compound) that has a single
entry and a single exit. No statement is a structured block if there is a jump
into or out of that statement (including a call to longjmp(3C) or the use of
throw, but a call to exit is permitted). A compound statement is a
structured block if its execution always begins at the opening { and always
ends at the closing }. An expression statement, selection statement,
iteration statement, or try block is a structured block if the corresponding
compound statement obtained by enclosing it in { and } would be a
structured block. A jump statement, labeled statement, or declaration
statement is not a structured block.
team One or more threads cooperating in the execution of a construct.
thread An execution entity having a serial flow of control, a set of private
variables, and access to shared variables.
variable An identifier, optionally qualified by namespace names, that names an

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