Friday 1 March 2013

Lesson Twenty Nine

Lesson Twenty Nine

Purpose: To kill the bacteria in dairy products.
Materials: A glass of regular pasteurized milk, a carton of
cottage cheese. A zapper.

Method: Search for Salmonellas and Shigellas first in the
milk and cottage cheese. Search by frequency, using the chart, or
with slides of these bacteria. If you don't find any, search different
dairy foods until you find some bacteria. Attach metal
teaspoons to the red and black leads of the generator. Place them
inside the milk glass or cottage cheese carton, across from each
other. Secure with masking tape. Attach the zapper. Zap them for
7 minutes. Remove the electrodes and wait 5 minutes. Test again
for the same bacteria. They should be gone (but the food is not
safe to eat due to the metal released from the teaspoons).
These experiments point to some exciting possibilities. Perhaps
water supplies as well as foods and medicines could be
sterilized this way. Perhaps sewage could be treated more efficiently,
electrically. Best of all, maybe you could protect yourself
from unsanitary products. If you do decide to explore this
possibility, remember not to put metals in your mouth or food.
Nor to use currents greater than 10 milliamps, or for longer than
10 minutes.

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