Thursday 28 February 2013


Aflatoxin: scrape the mold off an orange or piece of bread;
wash hands afterward.
Acetone: paint supply store or pharmacy.
Arsenic: 1/16 tsp. of arsenate pesticide from a garden shop. A
snippet of flypaper.
Aluminum: a piece of aluminum foil (not tin foil) or an
aluminum measuring spoon.

Aluminum silicate: a bit of salt that has this free running agent
in it.
Asbestos: a small piece of asbestos sheeting, an old furnace
gasket, 1/4 inch of a clothes dryer belt that does not say
“Made in USA”, or a crumb of building material being
removed due to its asbestos content (ask a contractor).
Barium: save a few drops from the beverage given clients
scheduled for an X-ray. Lipstick that has barium listed in
the ingredients.
Benzene: an old can of rubber cement (new supplies do not
have it). A tsp. of asphalt crumbs from a driveway.
Beryllium: a piece of coal; a few drops of “coal oil” or lamp
Bismuth: use a few drops of antacid with bismuth in it.
Bromine: bleached “brominated” flour.
Cadmium: scrape a bit off a galvanized nail, paint from a
hobby store.
Cesium: scrape the surface of a clear plastic beverage bottle.
CFCs (freon): ask an electronics expert for a squirt from an
old aerosol can that used freon as a cleaner. (Squirt into
water, outdoors, put the water in a sample bottle.)
Chromate: scrape an old car bumper.
Cobalt: pick out the blue and green crumbs from detergent. A
sample of cobalt containing paint should also suffice.
Chlorine: a few drops of pure, old fashioned Clorox.TM
Copper: ask your hardware clerk to cut a small fragment off a
copper pipe of the purest variety or a ¼ inch of pure copper
Ergot: a teaspoon of rye grains, or rye bread. Add grain alcohol
to preserve.
Ether: automotive supply store (engine starting fluid).
Ethyl alcohol (grain alcohol): the purest “drinking” alcohol
available. EverclearTM in the United States, ProtecTM
(potable) in Mexico.

Fiberglass: snip a fragment from insulation.
Fluoride: ask a dentist for a small sample.
Formaldehyde: purchase 37% at a pharmacy. Use a few
drops only for your sample.
Gasoline: gas station (leaded and unleaded).
Gold: ask a jeweler for a crumb of the purest gold available
or use a wedding ring.
Kerosene: gas station.
Lead: wheel balancers from a gas station, weights used on
fishing lines, lead solder from electronics shop.
Mercury: a mercury thermometer (there is no need to break
it), piece of amalgam tooth filling.
Methanol: paint supply store (wood alcohol).
Nickel: a nickel plated paper clip, a washed coin.
Patulin (apple mold): cut a sliver of washed, bruised apple.
PCB: water from a quarry known to be polluted with it (a
builder or electrical worker may know a source).
Platinum: ask a jeweler for a small specimen.
Propyl alcohol: rubbing alcohol from pharmacy (same as
propanol or isopropanol). Use a few drops only, discard
the rest. Do not save it.
PVC: glue that lists it in the ingredients (polyvinyl chloride).
Radon: leave a glass jar with an inch of filtered water in it
standing open in a basement that tested positive to radon
using a kit. After 3 days, close the jar. Pour about 2 tsp. of
this water into your specimen bottle.
Silicon: a dab of silicon caulk.
Silver: ask a jeweler for a crumb of very pure silver. Silver
solder can be found in electronics shops. Snip the edge of a
very old silver coin.
Sorghum mold: 1/8 tsp. sorghum syrup.
Styrene: a chip of styrofoam.
Tantalum: purchase a tantalum drill bit from hardware store.

Tin: scrape a tin bucket at a farm supply. Tin solder. Ask a
dentist for a piece of pure tin (used to make braces).
Titanium: purchase a titanium drill bit from a hardware store.
Toluene: a tube of glue that lists toluene as an ingredient.
Tungsten: the filament in a burned out light bulb.
Vanadium: hold a piece of dampened paper towel over a gas
stove burner as it is turned on. Cut a bit of this paper into
your specimen bottle and add 2 tsp. filtered water.
Xylene: paint store or pharmacy.
Zearalenone: combine leftover crumbs of three kinds of corn
chips and three kinds of popcorn.
This list gets you off to a good start. Since few of these
specimens are pure, there is a degree of logic that you must apply
in most cases. If you are testing for barium in your breast, a
positive result would mean that a barium-containing lipstick tests
positive and a barium-free lipstick is negative.
A chemistry set for hobbyists is a wonderful addition to your
collection of test specimens. Remember, however, the assumptions
and errors in such a system. A test for silver using
silver chloride might be negative. This does not mean there is no
silver present in your body; it only means there is no silver
chloride present in the tissue you tested.
You are bound to miss some toxins; don't let this discourage
you. There is more than enough that you can find.
The most fruitful kind of testing is, probably, the use of
household products themselves as test substances. The soaps,
colognes, mouthwash, toothpaste, shampoo, cosmetics, breads,
dairy products, juices and cereals can all be made into test
specimens. Put about 1/8 tsp. of the product in a small glass
bottle, add 2 tsp. filtered water and ¼ tsp. grain alcohol to preserve
it. For temporary purposes use a plastic baggy and water
only. If you test positive to your household products in your

white blood cells you shouldn't use them, even if you can not
identify the exact toxin.
For a list of toxins and solvents I use, see page 571. To order
pure substances see Sources for “chemicals for testing.”

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