Sunday 24 February 2013

Eradicating Aflatoxin

Eradicating Aflatoxin

Simply sprinkling vitamin C over roasted nuts is not effective
because the molds have penetrated the surface. Rinse the
nuts in water first (a lot of mold is removed in this simple way).
Cover the nuts with water, add about ¼ tsp. vitamin C powder
(for a pint of nuts) and mix. Let stand for 5 minutes. The water
penetrates the nuts, taking the vitamin C with it and detoxifies
them. Pour off the water and dry the nuts in the oven at low heat.
(Don't burn them or you will make benzopyrenes.)
Rice and pastas can be demolded partly by cooking and
partly by adding vitamin C before or after cooking. There is no
need to add so much it affects the flavor. Brown rice is especially
Vinegars can simply have vitamin C added and placed in the
Honey can be warmed and treated the same way (¼ tsp. per
Bread cannot be salvaged. Switch to bakery breads or
homemade. Use it up in a few days, left in its paper bag. Or slice
and place in a plastic bag in the freezer.
]Since all foods have both their own and others' molds, there
must be thousands of molds. Very many have been studied besides
aflatoxin producers.

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