Thursday 28 February 2013

Lesson Eight

Lesson Eight

Purpose: To detect aluminum in the brain of another person.
Materials: same as previous lesson, you wear the inductor.

1. Place the aluminum sample on one plate and the brain
sample on the other plate.
2. Give the other person the handhold. You use the probe.
Hold their finger steady in yours.
3. Probe the other person for resonance. The first probe is
with only one plate in the circuit. The second is with both
plates in the circuit. Resonance implies there is aluminum
in the person's brain.
Saliva Testing
This may become your most useful test. The saliva has in it a
bit of almost everything toxic that is in you. But it is not the first
tissue to carry the HIV virus or a bit of a tapeworm stage.
Nevertheless, Salmonella in your liver, mercury in your kidneys,
aluminum in the brain all show up in the saliva, too. And saliva
can be sent by mail or stored in the refrigerator. It should be
frozen for long storage to prevent mold invasion. Or it may have
grain alcohol added to preserve it. This test is not as sensitive as
having the person present in the circuit, though.
To make a saliva specimen, place a two inch square piece of
white, unfragranced paper towel (tear, don't cut) in a lightweight
resealable baggy. Hold the open baggy near your mouth. Don't
touch the paper towel with your fingers. Drool or spit onto the
paper towel until half of it is damp. Zip it shut. Before testing,
add enough filtered water to dampen the whole piece of paper.

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