Tuesday 26 February 2013

The guidelines can be summarized as:

The guidelines can be summarized as:

1. Remove all metal from the mouth.
2. Remove all infected teeth and clean cavitations.
Dr. Clark: Removing all metal means removing all root canals,
metal fillings and crowns. Take out all bridge work or
partials made of metal and never put them back in. But you
may feel quite attached to the gold, so ask the dentist to give
you everything she or he removes. Look at the underside. You
will be glad you switched.

The stench of the infection under some teeth may be overwhelming
as they are pulled. Bad breath in the morning is due
to such hidden tooth infections, not a deficiency of mouthwash!
All metal must come out, no matter how glossy it looks on
the surface. Metal does not belong in your body. It is an unnatural
chemical. Do this as soon as you have found a dentist
able to do it. Find a dentist with experience and knowledge
about this subject. It is more than replacing acknowledged culprits
like mercury-amalgam fillings. This is metal-free
dentistry. Only metal-free plastic should be put back in your
Dr. Jerome: If your dentist tells you that mercury and other
metals will not cause any problems, you will not be able to
change his or her mind. Seek treatment elsewhere!
Your dentist should do a complete X-ray examination of your
mouth. Ask for the panoramic X-ray rather than the usual series
of 14 to 16 small X-rays (called full mouth series). The
panoramic X-ray shows the whole mouth including the jaws and
the sinuses. This lets the dentist see impacted teeth, root fragments,
bits of mercury buried in the bone and deep infections.
Cavitations are visible in a panoramic X-ray that may not be seen
in a full mouth series.
The cost of removing metals should be viewed in the proper
light. It took years or decades to get into your present condition.
When you do a lot of dental repair in a short time, it can seem to
be costly. Unfortunately, many people are in a tight financial
position because of the cost of years of ineffective treatment,
trying to get well.

Your dentist may recommend crowning teeth to “protect” or
strengthen them. Unfortunately, the very concept of crowning
teeth is flawed. First, the enamel is removed from a tooth to
prepare for the crown. This is permanent and serious damage!
Many teeth, up to 20%, may die after being crowned and will
need to be extracted. For this reason, you should only get
REPLACEMENT crowns and NO NEW crowns. Your metal

crowns can be changed to plastic. (Remember, no metal must be
left under the crown.)
If you have many crowns, you should have them all removed
as quickly as possible. But you should not spend more than two
hours in the dentist's chair at any one time. That is too much
stress for your body.
Dr. Clark: Don 't accept intravenous (IV) treatments
during amalgam removal. Both IV bags and the supplements
used in them are polluted with propyl alcohol, benzene, and
wood alcohol.
Dr. Jerome: It is quite all right to have temporary crowns
placed on all teeth that need them in the first visit. You may then
go back and complete treatment over the next 6 to 12 months. It is
common to find a crowned tooth to be very weak and not worth
replacing the crown, particularly if you are already having a
partial made and could include this tooth in it.
Dr. Clark: We are accustomed to thinking that plastic is
metal-free. This is wrong. The original dental plastic, methyl
methacrylate was metal-free. But modern plastic contains
metal. The metal is ground up very finely and added to the
plastic in order to make it harder, give it sheen, color, etc.
Dr. Jerome: Dentists are not commonly given information on
these metals used in plastics. The information that comes with
dental supplies does not list them either. Most dentists never look
at a dental materials book after they graduate. The ADA,
however, has a library full of such information.21
Dr. Clark: There are many lanthanide (Rare Earth) metals
used in dental plastic. Their effects on the body from

have NOT been studied. Yet their cancer-promoting ability is
known in many cases.22 Only metal-free plastic is safe.
Dr. Jerome: These are the acceptable plastics; they can be
procured at any dental lab.
• Plastic for dentures: Methyl Methacrylate. Available in
clear and pink. Do not use pink.23
• Plastic for partial dentures: FlexiteTM Available in clear
and pink. Do not use pink.
• Plastic for fillings: Composite Materials. This is the material
that has been used in front teeth for 30 years. It has
been used in back teeth for 10 years. There are many
brands and there are new ones being marketed constantly.
The new ones are very much superior to those used 10
years ago and they will continue to improve. They do,
however, contain enough barium or zirconium to make them
visible on X-rays. There are no alternatives available
without these metals.
Dr. Clark: Composites with barium are not good, but I
haven't seen enough barium toxicity from fillings at this time to
merit advising extraction instead. Hopefully, a barium-free variety
will become available soon to remove this health risk.
Dr. Jerome: Many people (and dentists too) believe that
porcelain is a good substitute for plastic. Porcelain is aluminum
oxide with other metals added to get different colors (shades).
The metal DOES come out of the porcelain! It has many technical
drawbacks as well. Porcelain is not recommended. Some-

times the white composite fillings are called porcelain fillings
but they are not. They also require more tooth structure to be
If you have a large bridge, it cannot be replaced with a plastic
bridge because it isn't strong enough. A large bridge must be
replaced with a removable partial (FlexiteTM).
The methods used to remove metals and infections are technical
and complicated. See dental information in Sources.
Dr. Clark: I'd like to thank Dr. Jerome for his
contributions to this section, and his pioneering work in metalfree
dentistry. I hope more dentists acquire his techniques.

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