Thursday 28 February 2013

Lesson Six

Lesson Six

Purpose: To verify the propyl alcohol and benzene lists.
Method: We will use the Syncrometer to test for a toxin in a
product. Assemble the products named in the propyl alcohol list
(page 335) and benzene list (page 354) many as you can find.
Also make sample bottles of benzene and propyl alcohol.
1. Place the propyl alcohol test substance on one plate and
your products, in turn, on the other.

2. Listen to the current with only one of the plates in the circuit.
Then listen with both plates in (the test plate switch
ON). This method can detect one part per quadrillion in
concentration. It is not as sensitive as the skin test (Lesson
3. Repeat, with the benzene test substance.
Even tiny amounts of solvents are toxic! They must not be
consumed or be left in our environment.
I have found that too many unsuspected products test positive
to benzene. This is such a global tragedy that people must protect
themselves by using their own tests. Rather than assurances,
regulatory agencies should provide the consumer with cheap and
simple tests (dip sticks and papers so we need not lug our
Syncrometers around). Even if some test should fail, not all tests
would fail to find an important pollutant like benzene. It would
come to public attention much faster than the present debacle has.

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