Sunday 24 February 2013

True Origins Of Viruses

True Origins Of Viruses

Your body can eliminate any virus in a short time, such as
hours or days. It can even keep up with a steady stream that is
coming from tapeworm stages!

Let us apply these new insights to several diseases we are
familiar with. Let us speculate what could really be happening.
Epstein Barre Virus (EBV) is a mysterious disease because
in spite of building up antibodies, it attacks repeatedly. I only see
EBV if the person also has Eurytrema (pancreatic fluke) in the
pancreas. When the fluke is gone, I no longer find EBV in the
white blood cells. This suggests that the virus comes from the
fluke. As each fluke dies and is finally removed, the body's white
blood cells can catch up with the viruses and you begin to feel
better again, which can be as quick as one day. But reinfection
with an EBV-carrying Eurytrema (plus a wood alcohol
containing beverage to allow the fluke to go to the pancreas) can
spark the next recurrence.
Shingles is a recurrence of chicken pox. I always find Ascaris
in persons with shingles! Unfortunately, killing the Ascaris
does not cure shingles. Herpes Zoster (the shingles/chicken pox
virus) is known to hide in nerve cells. Perhaps Ascaris facilitates
it's release, or simply suppresses the immune system in a way
that allows it to suddenly multiply.
Polio was once a scourge. At that time, we can theorize that a
new large parasite was making its appearance. Was a new
animal association taking place in the early 1900's? Life was
indeed becoming more urban with horse manure on all streets.
Owning a dog for a house pet was becoming an acceptable lifestyle.
Could the tapeworms of these animals give us a tapeworm
stage that hosts polio virus? Many polio sufferers also had migraines.
These are caused by Strongyloides, a horse threadworm.
Does Strongyloides host polio virus?

The HIV virus infects us during the time the intestinal fluke,
Fasciolopsis buskii, is being hosted. Persons test negative to
HIV shortly after the fluke and its stages are eliminated.
Coxsackie viruses give us some of our encephalitises. I never
see Coxsackie viruses without the bacteria, Bacteroides

fragilis, and I never see Bacteroides fragilis without Ascaris (a
roundworm.) I conclude that one lives inside the other!
We may be deriving viruses from all the roundworms, flukes,
tapeworms and bacteria that infect us! It would be a fascinating
study, simply to examine each of these parasites singly, searching
for their viruses with an electron microscope. They could also be
searched for using immunological methods.
Fortunately, your health improvement does not need to wait
on such studies. Your electronic technique can detect them in
your body long before you are made ill by them. You don't need
to know their hosts in order to stop hosting them yourself.
It is a time of great change for this planet as pollution spreads
from pole to pole. The growth of industrial activity, mining,
chemical manufacturing, the food “industry”, and personal habits
like smoking have spread new chemicals to every corner of the
globe. The element polonium, which is radioactive and in
tobacco smoke, is harmful to human lungs, but may not be harmful
to a small lung parasite, like Pneumocystis carnii.
Benzene, which is a solvent and extremely harmful to humans,
may not be harmful to fluke parasites living within us.
Propyl alcohol facilitates the intestinal fluke but is toxic to us.

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