Sunday 24 February 2013

Pets Teach Health Lessons

Pets Teach Health Lessons

Dogs don't eat hay and cats don't eat fruit. This is not simply
due to their inability to digest them. Nor to training. Their body
wisdom guides them. But we can trick them into eating corn and
soybeans by adding the flavors they like and thereby defeat their
wisdom the same way we defeat ours. A concoction is made for
them that is called “complete nutrition” and we feed this meal
after meal, day after day, a most unnatural situation. The liver is
deluged with the same set of pollutants time after time and never
gets a rest. Humans still obey their body wisdom about varying
their meals. This gives the liver a chance to catch up with
detoxifying one pollutant while the new one builds up. If the liver
is absolutely unable to handle something, you are informed quite
quickly with an allergic reaction to the food.
Cats and dogs with their monolithic diet get no opportunity to
reject food (except by vomiting or starvation). It is not surprising
they are getting cancer with increasing frequency, a situation
where the liver can no longer detoxify isopropyl alcohol, a
common pollutant in their food.
Should we go back to the old days and make their food for
them? Yes, they deserve pure food, they deserve variety. Table
scraps would be much less toxic for them than their commercial
feed. But what if they like and prefer their monolithic
“scientific”, “complete”, polluted diet? If our food was doused
with sugar for breakfast, lunch and supper, we wouldn't care
much about what was under the sugar either. And we'd continue
wanting sugar, sugar, sugar the way a pet might want its favorite
food and nothing else. Such is the deception of flavorings.
All change should be brought about slowly and with kindness
for animals and humans alike. Learn what makes a good pet diet.
Cats and dogs are both meat eaters. Cook chicken in a pressure
cooker to kill all parasites. Put portions in the freezer. Add table
scraps, dressed with a little butter, cheese or lard.

Don't wash the pet dishes with your own—dishwashers don't
reach the boiling point. Serve fresh water daily. Standing water
picks up bacteria. Don't let food get more than a day old in the
dishes. It picks up molds. Don't feed pets at the table, keep them
outdoors during mealtime.
After your pets have stopped eating propyl alcohol polluted
food and are not getting propyl alcohol in their shampoos, there
is no way they can get cancer. Whatever cancer they have will
clear up by this change in diet and by giving them the pet parasite
Now they are back to a natural state and do not host human
flukes. What a relief it is not to worry about reinfection from
your pets.

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