Tuesday 26 February 2013

Horrors In Commercial Beverages

Horrors In Commercial Beverages

Commercial beverages are especially toxic due to traces of
solvents left over from the manufacturing process. There are
solvents in decaffeinated beverages, herb tea blends (not single
herb teas), carbonated drinks, beverages with NutrasweetTM, flavored
coffee, diet and health mixes, and fruit juices, even when
the label states “not from concentrate” or “fresh from the orchard,”
or “100% pure.”
It is allowable to use solvents to clean machinery used in
bottling (please look again at page 347)! It is also allowable to
use solvents to make spice oleoresins, which are used as flavoring.
21 CFR 173.240 (4-1-94 Edition) Isopropyl Alcohol.
Isopropyl alcohol may be present in the following foods under
the conditions specified:
(a) In spice oleoresins as a residue from the extraction of
spice, at a level not to exceed 50 parts per million.
(b) In lemon oil as a residue in production of the oil, at a
level not to exceed 6 parts per million.
(c) [Discusses its use in hops extract.]

I have found all these solvents and others in commercial
beverages! Some of the solvents I have found are just too toxic to
be believed! Yet you can build the test apparatus yourself

buy foods at your grocery store, and tabulate your
own results. I hope you do, and I hope you find that the food in
your area is cleaner than mine! Remember that the Syncrometer
can only determine the presence or absence of something, not the
concentration. There may only be a few parts per billion, but a
sick person trying to get well cannot afford any solvent intake.
For that matter, none of us should tolerate any of these:
• Acetone in carbonated drinks
• Benzene in store-bought drinking water (including distilled),
store-bought fruit juice (including health varieties)
• Carbon tetrachloride in store-bought drinking water
• Decane in health foods and beverages
• Hexanes in decafs
• Hexanedione in flavored foods
• Isophorone in flavored foods
• Methyl butyl ketone and Methyl ethyl ketone in flavored
• Methylene chloride in fruit juice
• Pentane in decafs
• Propyl alcohol in bottled water, commercial fruit juices,
commercial beverages.
• Toluene and xylene in carbonated drinks
• Trichloroethane (TCE), TC Ethylene in flavored foods
• Wood alcohol (methanol) in carbonated drinks, diet drinks,
herb tea blends, store-bought water, infant formula

If you allowed a tiny drop of kerosene or carpet cleaning
fluid to get into your pet's food every day, wouldn't you expect
your pet to get sick? Why would you not expect to be sick with
these solvents in your daily food? I imagine these solvents are
just tiny amounts, introduced by sterilizing equipment, the
manufacturing process, and adding flavor or color. Flavors and
colors for food must be extracted somehow from the leaves or

bark or beans from which they come. But until safe methods are
invented, such food should be considered unsafe for human
consumption (or pets or livestock!).

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