Tuesday 26 February 2013

Eat no meat that hasn't been cooked as thoroughly as if it were pork.

Eat no meat that hasn't been cooked as
thoroughly as if it were pork.

Other animals are as parasitized as we, full of flukes and
worms and Schistosomes in every imaginable stage, and if the
blood carries these, would we not be eating live parasites if we
eat animals in the raw state? We have been taught to cook thoroughly
any pork, fish or seafood. Now we must cook thoroughly
any beef, chicken or turkey. It must be at cooking temperature
(212°F or 100°C) for 20 minutes. Freezing is not adequate.
Canned meats are safe from living parasites, but are not
recommended due to added chemicals.
Drink 6 kinds of beverages:
• milk • vegetable juices
• water • herb teas
• fruit juices • homemade (see Recipes

This means getting off caffeine. And if you are already fatigued,
this means you might be even more fatigued for a short
time. You might have headaches from withdrawal, too. But they
will only last 10 days. Mark your calendar and count off the
days. Take headache medicine, if necessary, but make sure it
does not contain caffeine. For energy, to replace caffeine, take
one arginine (500 mg, see Sources) upon rising in the morning
and before lunch. Soon you won't need it.
Cutting down on coffee, decaf, soda pop and powdered
drinks won't do. You must be completely off. They contain very
toxic solvents due to careless, unregulated production methods.
Much is imported and can't be sufficiently regulated.
Even though grain (drinking) alcohol is the recommended
substitute for propyl alcohol, that doesn't mean you may safely
drink it. It is inadvisable to drink any form of alcohol at least
until you are fully recovered.
1. Milk: 2% or higher, drink three 8 oz. glasses a day. Alternate
brands. Buttermilk will do. Homemade yogurt is fine.
Goat milk is also fine. Start with ¼ cup and increase gradually, if
you are not used to it. If you do not drink milk because it gives
you more mucous, try to drink milk anyway. If you have other
reactions, like diarrhea, try milk digestant tablets (available at
health food stores). Milk is too valuable to avoid: there are many
unwanted chemicals in most brands of milk, but it is solvent-free,
mold-free and very nutritious. The only exception should be for
serious symptoms, like swelling, colitis, flu, or chronic diarrhea.
But all milk, whether goat or cow, is contaminated with
Salmonella and Shigella bacteria as well as fluke parasite
stages. Cattle are immunized against Salmonella but it does not
prevent its persistence in the bowel. All these are very harmful.
Pasteurization does not kill all of them. Only heating to a rolling
boil makes milk safe. To do this in the easiest way, pour 1 or 2
quarts milk into an enamel double boiler or microwavable glass

jar. Stay in the kitchen while the heat is on. When the bubbles
have risen to indicate boiling, turn off the heat. You may throw
away the “skin”. Pour into glass jar and refrigerate. Another easy
way is to use a pressure cooker that holds several pint jars of
milk. All dairy products that have only been pasteurized are still
contaminated. Ultrapasteurization does not improve matters.
Dairy products that cannot be sterilized should not be consumed.
It may be possible to find sterilized milk in paper containers on
the store shelf—not in the refrigerator; if it wasn't sterile it
would go foul in a day! Canned milk has solvent pollution.
Powdered milk has both solvent and bacterial pollution.
2. Water: 2 pints. Drink one pint upon rising in the morning,
the other pint in the afternoon sometime. The cold water faucet
may be bringing you cadmium, copper or lead, but it is safer than
purchased water, which inevitably has solvents in it. Let it run
before using it. Filters are rather useless because water pollution
comes in surges. A single surge of PCB contaminates your filter.
All the water you use after this surge is now polluted, so you will
be getting it chronically, whereas the unfiltered water cleans up
again after the surge passes. Until you can test your own water
for solvents, PCBs and metals, no expensive filter is worth the
investment. An inexpensive pure carbon filter that is replaced
every month may improve your tap water. Inflexible plastic
pitchers fitted with a carbon filter pack are available (see
Sources). Never buy filters with silver or other chemicals, even
if they are just added to the carbon. Keep the filter sterile by
soaking in diluted grain alcohol weekly.
3. Fruit juice: fresh squeezed only. Some stores make it
while you wait. If they freeze some of it, you could purchase the
frozen containers. Bottled fruit juices have traces of numerous
solvents, as do the frozen concentrates, as do the refrigerated
ones, don't buy them. You have to see it being made, but watch
carefully: I recently went to a juice bar where they made everything
fresh, before your very eyes. And I saw them take the fruit

right from the refrigerator and spray it with a special wash “to
get rid of any pesticides,” then put a special detergent on it to
clean off the wash! So instead of getting traces of pesticide, I got
traces of propyl alcohol!29 Another grocery store had a machine
that squeezed the oranges while you watched. But if you did not
watch them filling the jugs, you missed seeing them add a
tablespoon of concentrate, from a bottle out of sight, to give it
better flavor. It still qualifies as “Fresh squeezed 100% orange
juice,” but thanks to that concentrate it now has toluene and
xylene in it! Best of all, buy a juicer, select completely unbruised
fruit, wash with plain water, and make your own juice (enough
for a week—freeze it in half pint plastic bottles). For stronger
flavor, leave some of the peel in the juice.
4. Vegetable juice: fresh or frozen only. If you or a friend
would be willing to make fresh juice, this would be much better
than purchased juice. Start with carrot juice. Peel carrots (don't
scrape them, it's too easy to miss small dirt spots) and remove all
blemishes carefully, then rinse. Drink ½ glass a day. After you are
accustomed to this, add other vegetables and greens to the juice
to make up half of it. Use celery, lettuce, cabbage, cucumber,
beet, squash, tomato, everything raw that you normally have in
your refrigerator. Then drink one glass a day.
5. Herb tea: fresh or bulk packaged. Tea bag varieties are
moldy. Buy a non-metal (bamboo is common) tea strainer.
Sweeten with honey or brown sugar with vitamin C added.
6. Homemade beverage. If you will miss your coffee or
decaf, try just plain hot water with boiled whipping cream.
Sweeten with honey. Please see Recipes for many more suggestions.

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