Tuesday 26 February 2013

Safe Supplements

Safe Supplements

There are, no doubt,
lots of safe supplements to
be had. The problem is
knowing which they are.
The nature of pollution is
such that one bottle might
be safe, while another of
the same brand is not. In
view of this, as I found a
polluted bottle, I stopped
using any more of that
brand. That is why I am
reduced to recommending
only the ones in the
Sources at this time.
Vitamin C, in crystal
form, is a must in your lifestyle. It helps the liver, and possibly
other organs, detoxify things. It also helps retard mold, and
perhaps even destroys aflatoxins! Keep some next to your
refrigerator so it is handy when you put away groceries. Add 1/8
tsp. to maple syrup, vinegar, cooked

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