Tuesday 26 February 2013

Body Clean-up

Body Clean-up

We are living in a very fortunate time. We are not expected to
all look alike! The 60's brought us this wonderful freedom.
Freedom to dress in a variety of styles, use make-up or no makeup,
jewelry or no jewelry, any kind of hair style, any kind of
You will need to go off every cosmetic and body product that
you are now using. Not a single one can be continued. They are
full of titanium, zirconium, benzalkonium, bismuth, antimony30,
barium31, strontium32, aluminum, tin, chromium, not to mention
pollution solvents such as benzene and PCBs.
Do not use any commercial salves, ointments, lotions,
colognes, perfumes, massage oils, deodorant, mouthwash,
toothpaste, even when touted as “herbal” and health-foodtype.
See Recipes for homemade substitutes.

People are trying desperately to use less toxic products. They
seek health for themselves. So they reach for products that just
list herbs and other natural ingredients. Unfortunately, the buyers
are being duped. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
requires all body products to have sufficient antiseptic in them.
Some of these antiseptics are substances you must avoid! But you
won't see them on the label because manufacturers prefer to use
quantities below the levels they must disclose. And by using a
variety of antiseptics in these small amounts they can still meet
sterility requirements. The only ingredient you might see is
“grapefruit seed” or similar healthy-sounding natural antiseptic.
This is sad for the consumer of health food varieties.
• I have seen rocks sold as “Aluminum-Free Natural Deodorant”.
You rub the rock under your arms. It works because
the rock is made of magnesium-aluminum-silicate.
• Men's hair color has lead in it.
• Lipstick has barium, aluminum, titanium.
• Eye pencil and shadow have chromium.
• Toothpaste has benzene, tin, and strontium.
• Hair spray has propyl alcohol and PCBs. BEWARE! Stop
using it today.
• Shampoo, even health varieties, has propyl alcohol!
BEWARE! Stop using it today.
• Cigarettes have lead, mercury, nickel and Tobacco Mosaic
• Chewing tobacco has ytterbium
Some of the unnatural chemicals listed are present because of
residues in the manufacturing process, but others you will
actually see listed on the label!
Propyl alcohol and wood alcohol are present because the
tubing used to fill the bottles is sterilized and cleaned with them.
Ice cream machines are “oiled” with a gel containing pe

troleum products. This could explain why I always find benzene
in ice cream.
How can propyl alcohol in shampoo get into your body in
significant amounts? The skin is more absorbent than we realize,
and time and time again I see cancer victims who have gone off
every body product except their favorite shampoo. They harbor
propyl alcohol until they make that final sacrifice. It is better to
switch shampoos than to not need any due to radiation and
See Recipes for easy-to-make, natural cosmetics. But you
might consider just stopping them all. Especially if you're going
on vacation.
Use nothing that you wouldn't use on a new-born baby. This
is a permissive age. You will be the only one feeling “naked.”
Others won't even notice. Don't forget advertising is aimed at
you, even if other people's eyes are not!
Don't even use soap unless it is homemade soap (see Recipes)
or borax straight from the box. Borax was the traditional
pioneer soap. It is antibacterial and can be made into a solution.
It is also a water softener and is the main ingredient in nonchlorine
bleach. Borax can remove grease, too, and some stains.

But even borax is
not natural to
your body and it
is therefore wise
to use as little as
necessary. See
Recipes for antibacterial

Don't use toothpaste, not even health-food varieties. To
clean teeth, use plain water or chemically pure baking soda
(see Sources)—but dissolve it in water first, otherwise it
is too abrasive. Or brush with hydrogen peroxide food
grade, not the regular variety (see Sources). Don't use
floss; use 2 or 4-pound monofilament fish line. Floss has
mercury antiseptics (with thallium pollution!). Throw away
your old toothbrush—solvents don't wash away.
Don't use mouthwash. Use saltwater (aluminum-free salt) or
food grade hydrogen peroxide (a few drops in water).

Don't use hair spray.
Don't use massage oils of any kind. Use olive oil.
Don't use bath oil. Take showers, not baths, if you are strong
enough to stand. Showers are cleaner.
Don't use perfumes or colognes.
Don't use commercial lotions or personal lubricants.

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