Tuesday 26 February 2013

Food Preparation

Food Preparation

Cook your food in glass, enamel, ceramic or microwavable
pots and pans. Throw away all metal ware, foil wrap, and metalcapped
salt shakers since you will never use them again. If you
don't plan to fry much (only once a week), you might keep the
TeflonTM or SilverstoneTM coated fry-pan, otherwise get an
enamel coated metal pan. Stir and serve food with wood or
plastic, not metal utensils. If you have recurring urinary tract
infections, you should reduce your metal contact even further; eat
with plastic cutlery. Sturdy decorative plastic ware can be found
in hardware and camping stores. Don't drink out of styrofoam
cups (styrene is toxic). Don't eat toast (many toasters spit
tungsten all over your bread and make benzopyrenes besides).
Don't buy things made with baking powder (it has aluminum) or

baked in aluminum pans. Choose goods made with baking soda
and sold in paper or microwavable pans. Don't run your drinking
water through the freezer or fountain or refrigerator. Don't heat
your water in a coffee maker or tea kettle. Don't use a plastic
thermos jug (the plastic liner has lanthanides) the inside must be
glass. Don't drink from a personal water bottle (it begins to breed
bacteria) unless you sterilize it daily.
Why are we still using stainless steel cookware when it
contains 18% chromium and 8% nickel? Because it is rustproof
and shiny and we can't see any deterioration. But all metal
seeps! Throw those metal pots away. Get your essential minerals
from foods, not cookware.
Never, never drink or cook with the water from your hot
water faucet. If you have an electric hot water heater the heating
element releases metal. Even if you have a gas hot water heater,
the heated water leaches metals or glues from your pipes. If your
kitchen tap is the single lever type, make sure it is fully on cold
for cooking. Teach children this rule.

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