Sunday 24 February 2013



Zearalenone, an anabolic and uterotrophic metabolite, is frequently
found in commercial cereal grains and in processed
foods and feeds, and is often reported as causative agent of
naturally occurring hyperestrogenism and infertility in swine,
poultry and cattle.18
What this means is, in animals, “zear” looks likes extra estrogen
to the body. Does it affect humans the same way? Are high
estrogen levels a problem for us? I find nearly every breast
cancer case shows a too-high estrogen level for years before the
cancer is found! It starts females maturing too early, too. It could
cause PMS, ovarian cysts and infertility. Not everybody gets all
of these effects. And what is the effect on men and boys of eating
an estrogen-like mycotoxin in their daily diet? This female
hormone could have a drastic effect on the maturing process even
in small amounts.
Zearalenone ("zear") and aflatoxin both have immune lowering
effects. Zearalenone can induce thymic atrophy and
macrophage activation.19 If you have low immunity (low T-

cells, low white blood cell count, and so forth), immediately go
off moldy food suspects.
“Zear” is the mycotoxin that prevents you from detoxifying
benzene. Every AIDS sufferer I see has a crippled ability to detoxify
benzene; they also have zear!
The main zear sources I have found so far are popcorn, corn
chips, and brown rice. But it was absent in fresh corn, canned
corn, corn tortillas, and white rice, making me wonder how it
gets in our processed corn products.
(“sterig”) is plentiful in
pasta. Emphasize baked
pasta dishes, not boiled.
This raises the temperature
much higher than boiling.
Better yet, make your own
pasta with a pasta maker.
U.S. bread flour is quite
free of mold; the mold in
our pastas must come from
using inferior quality flour.
Always add vitamin C to
pasta before or after cooking.
A food mold that causes strange feelings and behavior is ergot.
Although laws regulate the amount of ergot allowed in

foods,20 this is not enough protection. Ergotoxins, for example
LSD, are active in extremely minute (less than a microgram,
about one thousandth of a fly speck) quantities. They are not
destroyed by heat and are especially toxic to children. I found
traces in cereals, whole grain breads, wines, and honey. It can be
detoxified by adding vitamin C but takes longer; about 10
minutes. Detoxify all your honey as soon as it arrives in your
house. Warm it slightly and add vitamin C (1/8 tsp. per cup). Stir
with wood or plastic.
Ergot toxicity could explain “Jekyll and Hyde” behavior in
children, commonly attributed to “allergies”. In fact, the
mechanism, inability by the liver to keep up with detoxification,
fits well into the “allergic” concept. If your child has undesirable
behavior, try going off the moldy food suspects for three weeks
(cold cereals, nuts and nut butters, store bought breads and baked
goods, syrups). Substitute cooked cereals, bakery breads,
potatoes, and honeys. Add vitamin C to honey, pasta and cooked
cereals. Pancakes and waffles made from scratch would be O.K.
Combining alcohol with ergot is more toxic than either is
alone. Alcohol seems to drive the toxin deeper into your tissues.
I have found ergot and aflatoxin in beer and wine! Perhaps some
of the bizarre behavior and speech of intoxication is really due to
the mold-alcohol combination. By delaying alcohol detoxification,
the mold could even be responsible for deaths “due to”
alcoholism. It would be safer to brew your own alcoholic beverages.
Start with pristine fruit. Or at least add vitamin C (1/8 tsp.
per cup) to the store bought container you are consuming.
Older children and adults are quite susceptible to ergot too. If
bizarre behavior shows up, such as saying mean and cruel things,
expressing unusual, irrational thoughts, feeling emo-

tionless or unreal, try the same diet changes, but put alcoholic
beverages, soy sauces and other sauces, and other grain derived
foods on the “off” list. Try this diet on yourself if you have a
temper or crying spells or frequent colds! Ergot can make you
super religious, hearing voices of command or threat. Ergot also

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