Thursday 28 February 2013

Lesson Two

Lesson Two

Purpose: To add a white blood cell specimen to the circuit
and compare sound.
1. Turn the Syncrometer ON.
2. Start with test plate switch OFF.
3. Place the white blood cell specimen on the left plate. Place
some junk food in a plastic baggy on the right plate.
4. Eat some of the junk food.
5. After ½ minute listen to the current. Flip the plate switch ON
and listen again.
6. If the circuit is now resonating, the junk food is already in
your white blood cells. It is toxic.
Take vitamin C and a B-50
complex to clear it rapidly; it may
have had propyl alcohol or benzene
in it. Test every 5 minutes
afterward to see how long it takes
to clear out.

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