Monday 25 February 2013

Windows Open Or Closed?

Windows Open Or Closed?

In places like Chicago where you can smell the air as you
approach the city, it is wiser to keep your windows shut. You
can't breath the industrial “soup” all day and night and expect to
stay healthy. Of course, it all enters the houses anyway. Central
air conditioning and a plain carbon filter at the furnace location
(see Sources) may be the best solution in spite of blowing dust
around the house. Keep the vents to the bedrooms closed to reduce
the air turbulence there but leave the cold air return open.
Clean the vents in other rooms each week along with floors and
carpets by pulling up the grating and reaching down the passage
as far as possible.
If you believe the air is free of highway exhaust and industrial
smoke open the windows every day. This will let some of
the indoor toxins blow away. Asbestos, fiberglass, freon, radon
and plain dust can be reduced to a minimum by keeping windows
open. If you are ill, sit outdoors (on the porch) as much as you
can. EscJust a few decades ago, many people had summer living
quarters that were different from winter living quarters. Gone
was all the accumulated infectious dust of half a year of habitation.
ape to a suitable climate that makes this possible.

Don't have a basement where you stockpile toxic items.
Basements invite mold, mice and radon besides toxic things.
Fumes travel upward where you live! Keep your toxic things in
the attic. If there is no attic, store them in the utility room. Close
off the ventilation between utility room and the rest of your
house. If you have none of these, perhaps because you live in a
senior citizen community or condominium, don't keep any toxic
things stored anywhere. Don't save any leftover paints, solvents
or cleaners. Buy such small quantities that you can afford to
throw it all away when you are done with them.
Live on top of the earth as was intended by nature.
Never have a basement room “finished” for actual living
space. Don't buy a house that has a “lower level” built into the

earth. This will be the most polluted and dangerous room in your
house. If you are ill, move out of such a room. There is no way
that it can be “cleaned up”. Move to the other end of the house
and furthest away from an attached garage door.

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