Thursday 28 February 2013

Lesson One

Lesson One

Purpose: To identify the sound of resonance in the circuit.
Materials: Potentized (homeopathic) solutions. Prepare
these as follows: find three medium-sized vitamin bottles, glass
or plastic, with non-metal lids. Remove any shreds of paper
sticking to the rim. Rinse well with cold tap water. Then rinse
again with filtered water.
Pour filtered water into the first bottle to a depth of about ½
inch. Add about 50 little grains of table salt using the tip of a
plastic knife. This is a “pinch.” Replace the lid. Make sure the

outside is clean. If not, rinse and dry. Now shake hard, holding it
snugly in your hand. Count your shakes; shake 120 to 150 times.
Use elbow motion so each shake covers about an eight inch
distance. Shaken samples are different from unshaken ones, that's
why this is so important. When done label the bottle on its side
and lid: SALT #1. Wash your hands (without soap).
Next, pour about the same amount of filtered water into the
second and third bottles. Open SALT #1 and pour a small
amount, like 1/4 to 1/2 of a teaspoon (do not use a spoon) into the
second and third bottles. Close all bottles. Now shake the second
bottle the same as the first. Clean it and label it SALT #2. Do the
same for the third bottle. Label it SALT #2 also and set aside for
Lesson Four.
These two solutions have unique properties. SALT #1 always
resonates. Use #1 to train your ear. SALT #2 shouldn't
resonate. Use #2 to hear when you (your body's internal resistance)
have returned to the standard level.
1. Turn the Syncrometer ON.
2. Place the SALT #2 bottle on the right test plate.
3. Start with the plate switch OFF.
4. Make your first probe (F-C-B-C#).
5. Flip the plate switch ON, taking only one half second.
Brace your hand when switching so it is a fast, smooth,
6. Make the second probe (F-C-B-C#). Total probe time is 2½
seconds. Count it out, “a thousand and one (done with first
probe) a thou. (done with switching) a thousand and one
(done with second probe).”
7. The result should be a NO (negative). If the second probe
sounds even a little higher you are not at the standard level.
Wait a few more seconds and go back to step 3.
8. If the first result was NO, remove SALT #2 and put SALT
#1 on. Put the test plate switch back to OFF and repeat the
test. This time the circuit was resonating. Learn to hear the

difference between the last two probes so that a resonant
probe can be terminated early (reducing rest time).
9. The skin must now be rested. When SALT #1 is placed in
the circuit there is always resonance whether you hear it or
not. Therefore, always take the time to rest the skin.
10. How can you be sure that the skin is rested enough? Any
time you want to know whether you have returned to the
standard level, you may simply test yourself to SALT #2
(just do steps 3 through 6). While you are learning, let your
piano also help you to learn the standard level (starts
exactly at F). If you do not rest and you resonate the circuit
before returning to the standard level, the results will
become aberrant and useless. The briefer you keep the
resonant probe, the faster you return to the standard level.
Don't exceed one half second when probing SALT #1.
Hopefully you will soon hear resonance within that time.
This lesson teaches you to first listen to the empty plate, then
to SALT #2, to check for standard state. Then to compare the
empty plate to SALT #1 to check for resonance. In later lessons
we assume you checked for your standard level or are quite sure
of it.
Practice hearing resonance in your circuit every day.

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