Tuesday 26 February 2013

Do not take Lugol’s iodine if you know you are allergic to iodine. It could be fatal.

Do not take Lugol’s iodine if you know you are
allergic to iodine. It could be fatal.

Six drops of Lugol’s solution can end it all for Salmonella. If
you have gas and bloating, pour yourself ½ glass of water. Add 6
drops of Lugol’s (not more, not less), stir with wood or plastic,
and drink all at once. The action is noticeable in an hour. Take
this dose 4 times a day, after meals and at bedtime, for 3 days in
a row, then as needed. This eradicates even a stubborn case of
Notice how calming 6 drops of Lugol’s can be, soothing a
manic stage and bringing a peaceful state where anxiety ruled
Lugol’s is perfectly safe (if not allergic) to take day after day,
when needed, because of its peculiar attaching property. It
arrives in the stomach, reattaches to everything in proximity.
Doomed are all Salmonellas; doomed also are eggs of parasites
that might be in the stomach (cysts).
Naturally, one would not leave such medicine within the
reach of children. Also, one would not use anything medicinal,
including Lugol’s unless there were a need, like cancer, AIDS, or
bowel disease. When the gas and bloating problem has stopped,
stop using Lugol’s. If one or two doses of Lugol’s cures the
problem, stop. Store it in a perfectly secure place. In the past, 2/3
of a teaspoon (60 drops) of Lugol’s was the standard dose of
iodine given to persons with thyroid disease. Six drops is small
by comparison.

Turmeric and fennel are herbs also used as cooking spices.
They can eradicate invasive E. coli and Shigella bacteria! They
are completely harmless, and are part of the Bowel Program.
Other supplements. The concept of supplementing the diet is
excellent, but the pollution problem makes it prohibitive. Use
only supplements and brands recommended in Sources, although
the best approach is to test them yourself with your Syncrometer.
I can't guarantee the brands in Sources will stay pure. If in doubt,
leave it out.

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