Thursday 28 February 2013

Lesson Twelve

Lesson Twelve

Purpose: To test for diseases of all kinds.
Materials: Use slides and cultures of disease organisms.
Homemade preparations of strep throat, acute mononucleosis,
thrush (Candida), chicken pox, Herpes 1 and 2, eczema, shingles,
warts, measles, yeast, fungus, rashes, colds, sore throats,
sinus problems, tobacco virus, and so forth can all be made by
swabbing or scraping the affected part. A plastic spoon or bit of
paper towel works well. Put a small bit on a slide. Add a drop of
balsam and a cover slip. Or put the towel in a bottle, add water
and alcohol as described previously. Microscope slides can
greatly expand your test set (see Sources).
Method: Test yourself for a variety of diseases, using your
white blood cell specimen first. Then search in organs like the
liver, pancreas, spleen. Notice how many of these common illnesses
don't “go away” at all. They are alive and well in some
organ. They are merely not making you sick!

Lesson Thirteen
To test for AIDS.
Materials: Benzene sample, slides of tissue samples like
thymus, liver, pancreas, penis, and vagina. Also a collection of
disease specimens such as the ones used in the previous lesson.
Method: Search in the thymus for benzene. If it is positive
throughout the day, you are at risk for developing AIDS, although
you may not be ill. Search other tissues for benzene. The more
tissues with benzene in them the more serious the situation.
Immediately search all your body products and foods for

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