Monday 25 February 2013

Easy Lifestyle Improvements

Easy Lifestyle

None of us likes to change a habit. But once it is changed you
are back to an automatic way of doing something. By selecting
wise habits your improved lifestyle pays you back for the rest of
your life.

Living Hand To Mouth
Hands do everything. They pick up things from the floor.
They handle money. They touch other peoples' hands. They clean
up bottoms. They touch all kinds of door knobs. And then they
pick up food to eat. Some people even lick their fingers when
they're sticky or just to turn a page!
What is on the hands that you don't want to eat but can't see?
Bacteria and viruses from coughing and sneezing into your
hands! And cysts! Cysts are the “eggs” made by parasites. Cysts
are so tough not even bleach kills them. They hide under our
fingernails when we wash our hands. Then we eat them along
with our food. This is called oral-fecal route. They hatch in the
stomach and go to the intestine to live.
To stop reinfecting yourself the little cysts under the nails
need to be killed. Food grade alcohol solution kills them. Buy
EverclearTM or Protec (potable) alcohol and make a 5% solution
(add ¼ cup of 95% alcohol to a quart of water). Keep it in a
small pump bottle at the sink. After using the bathroom and
washing your hands, treat your fingernails with alcohol. Pump
alcohol into one palm. Put the fingernails of the other hand into

it. Scratch a bit. Pour it into the other palm and do the remaining
fingernails. Rinse.
• Don't eat with your hands! Use a fork.
• Never eat food off the floor!
• Always wash hands after petting an animal!
• Never touch the bottoms of shoes! Keep shoes off couch or
bed or chair.
• Always cough or sneeze into your clothing or a tissue, not
your hands.
• Keep your fingers out of your mouth. Don't lick your fingers
to turn pages or open plastic bags.
Sick persons need a 50% alcohol solution. Add ½ cup 95%
alcohol to ½ cup cold tap water or buy plain vodka, 80 to 100
proof. Pour the vodka into the pump bottle. Be careful that nobody
tries drinking it. If there are teenagers in the house, add a
hefty dose of cayenne to it.
Lugol’s iodine will also sterilize your hands. However most
commercial Lugol’s is polluted with isopropyl alcohol. Ask your
pharmacist to make it from scratch for you (there are only two
ingredients and water, see Recipes). Then make a solution to
wash in (1 tsp. to a quart of water). This can stain some things.
Do not use “tincture of iodine.”

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