Tuesday 26 February 2013

Food Guidelines

Food Guidelines

It is impossible to remember everything about every food, but
in general do not buy foods that are highly processed. Here are a
few foods; see if you can guess whether they should be in your
diet or not.

Dining Out
Restaurants (excluding fast food) are generally quite safe to
eat at. Here are some do’s and don’ts;
Do carry your own aluminum-free salt and vitamin C powder
with you.
Do ask for plastic cutlery.
Do drink the water if from the tap.
Do ask for boiled, not just steamed, milk.
Don’t eat or drink from styrofoam. If getting food “to go,” get
it in clear plastic containers, or ask them to line the styrofoam
container with paper or plastic wrap, and line the styrofoam cup
with a plastic baggy.
Don’t use their ketchup and condiments (they have been
standing out too long).
Here is a list of things that are generally safe to order:

As you see your symptoms disappear, one after another, you
will feel the magic of healing. Many sick persons have 50 or
more symptoms to start out! They could fill two sheets of paper,

one symptom to each line. It can be quite shocking to see a list of
all your symptoms.
Sometimes a new symptom appears as fast as an old one
disappears. The coincidence makes it tempting to believe that
one symptom turns into a different one. But it is not so. If a new
symptom appears, it is because another pathogen has become
activated due to a new toxin. Try to identify the new item. Stop
using any new food, supplement, or body product, even if it is a
health variety, and see if it goes away.

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