Tuesday 19 February 2013


With the advent of information revolution, business messages are getting short day by day. This is
because of huge inflow and outflow of messages on daily basis. Therefore, conciseness is a prime
requirement. Following points should be considered for achieving conciseness.
(a) Omitting trite expressions.
(b) Avoid unnecessary repetition.
(c) Include relevant facts.
(a) Omitting Trite Expressions:
Trite expressions are also called clichés or stereo typed expressions. They are usually
longer, formal and relatively meaningless because of over use.
Trite: In accordance with your request of recent date, we are enclosing herewith
our cashier’s cheque in the amount of Rs 20,000, representing a withdrawal
of said saving A/c. No. 3595.
Improved: According to your request of April 25, cheque of Rs. 20,000 is enclosed.
(b) Avoid Unnecessary Repetition:
Skillful business writers avoid unnecessary repetition by rewording their message and
trying to reduce it by almost 50%. In other words first draft of the message is never final
and it always requires a second reworded reduced draft before dispatched to the receiver.
Wordy: I have your letter of October 14 and wish to say that we will be glad to give
you a refund for shirt you purchased here last week.
Improved: You can avail refund for the shirt you purchased last week.
(c) Include Relevant Facts:
Relevant facts refer to those necessary facts which should be present and should never be
compromised for achieving conciseness.

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