Wednesday 20 February 2013

3. Receiving Information

3. Receiving Information

Looking and listening: Sight and hearing are two of the sensory methods by
which we „take in. information. Remember that looking at something does not
necessarily mean seeing it, as well as listening does not always mean hearing. We
have information only if our brain has processed the data supplying it.
The basic conditions required for data processing are:
o Purpose, or motivation
o Concentration
o Patience
Reading is one of the most important skills one must have in order to be able to
receive data and process information. Analytical approach in processing data
available is most important. You will read more efficiently if you „go for the
essentials. at each stage of the task, i.e., if you prioritize issues.
Reading routine:
o Identify your objectives
o Scan to get the rough idea of the content of the material
o Separate the essential from the irrelevant – prioritize
4. Analysing, or Selecting and Preparing Information In order to select required
information, one must be able to analyse and prioritize all available data. This, in
turn, requires certain skills in
o Scanning, or „getting the drift. of the data received
o Identifying the „essence.
o Recording the essential points for later processing and analysis
5. Taking Notes. There are a few useful practices that should be adopted for
effective note-taking:
o Choose a suitable storage method
o Leave plenty of space for further comments
o Start with your source and subject
o Look for key words and phrases
o Revise your notes as soon as possible after taking them
o Know why, on what and for whom you are taking notes – before you

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