Wednesday 20 February 2013

6. Style & Tone

6. Style & Tone

Style is a combination of choice of words, characteristics and structure of language, and
there are so many possible variations that we each develop a method of writing which can
be as distinctive as fingerprints.
Style is not a mannerism that you can take on at will, like mimicking an accent or
gesture. In the words of Eric Partridge, the author of a popular grammar textbook „Usage
or Abusage,. “…it is that which one is when one writes; so far from being compelled to
seek it, one cannot avoid it.”
Obviously we can, and do, adapt our style to the circumstances, the subject and the
receiver. But something of ourselves will show through – our style will communicate to
the receiver something about ourselves as persons. A pompous person is likely to reflect
pomposity, a good-humored one – affability, and a meticulous, precise person will dot
his is and cross his ts in even his most informal note. The following examples convey
very different personalities:
Have you got any jobs vacant at your place?
I would respectfully submit myself for the appointment of clerical assistant
advertised in the „National..
I was interested to read your advertisement in the „Post Courier. for a clerical
I am in receipt of details about a vacancy for a clerical assistant in your

Tone is defined in the Oxford English Dictionary as „a particular quality, pitch,
modulation or inflexion of the voice expressing … affirmation, interrogation, hesitation,
decision and some feeling and emotion.‟ Usually it will in effect underline or emphasize
the meaning of the words used. In written language the tone conveys the feelings of the
The tone of a communication will reflect what is being said, but it can also add a great
deal of meaning. A reprimand might be cool, cold, angry, heated, impersonal or detached
in tone. A congratulation is likely to be warm and enthusiastic, but could also be cool and
formal. In much business writing a factual, neutral tone is appropriate, but remember that
sincerity is an essential of tone, however formal the context.

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