Wednesday 20 February 2013

9. Assignments

9. Assignments

 Read the following passage and work out its Fog Index. Then rewrite it in much
simpler language and calculate the Fog Index of what you have written.

Language is the primary instrument of communication and the extent to which
this volume is concerned with language is with that of our native tongue. The
observation has been presented in the previous sections that the ineffectual
utilization of English can be a hindrance or even a prevention of the process of
communication, but that the observation of the regulations regarding the usage of
English will be of assistance in the conveyance of information. There will be
sectional interests who may present the argument that the rigidity of the
regulations of language is a deterrent to improved communication.
(98 words)
 What do you understand by the term „readability‟? How would you assess the
readability of a lengthy printed document intended for unskilled workers?
 What is the importance of concise writing in business communications?
 Define precisely the meaning of the word „cliché‟ and give 5 examples of clichés
with which you are familiar.
 Redundancies often creep into written communication. What types of
redundancies are the most common?
 The following notice on a staff notice board caused great offence. Why?
Employees are herewith instructed that any requests pertaining to vacation
dates must be submitted to the Divisional Personnel Manager, copies to
the employee‟s immediate superior and to the Managing Director. No
employee will be given permission to take holidays at any time not already
scheduled on the holiday rota unless a month‟s notice is given and the
immediate superior allows it. This ruling is effective immediately and
applies to all holidays from Monday of next week. Any employee with
holidays booked for the coming month must renegotiate them.
Rewrite it and compare your version with that given in the Answers Section p. ….

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