Friday 15 February 2013

“After more than 12,000 lymphoscintigraphies, we missed the sentinel node in only 99 cases”

“After more than 12,000 lymphoscintigraphies, we
missed the sentinel node in only 99 cases”
Along with Veronesi, he knows only too well the
struggle to get new therapeutic approaches accepted

by insurance – asmany as half of women in theUS
still have amastectomy instead of breast conserving
treatment. I think this is the best idea I’ve had inmy
career so far.”
The next stepwill be to add an antibody specific
to breast cancerwith the avidin, but this is not ready
for trial yet. The technique without the antibody is
known as IART – intraoperative avidination for
radionuclide therapy – andPaganelli says, after successful
completionof the present trial, it should go to
a multicentre study this summer. There are several
other techniques to accelerate breast irradiationcurrently
in trial, but none that are as simple to apply as
IART(seeClinCancerRes13:5646s–5651s), andhe
would like to extend the idea to other cancerswhere
conventional radiotherapy can have major sideeffects,
such as in the head and neck.
It is another chapter in the now very lengthy
story of breast conserving treatment, and Paganelli,
alongwithVeronesi of course, knows only toowell the
struggle to get newtherapeutic approaches accepted
– and bureaucracy in Italy is a particularly tough nut
to crack. He also anticipates running up against
vestedinterests. “I’msure themakers of linacswillnot
be so happy – but in fact if you cut the number of
applications for themyou can treatmore patients.”
One other notable area of therapeutic work at
Milan is the treatment of neuroendocrine tumours
withpeptide receptor radionuclide therapy–Paganelli
and colleagues have built onwork pioneered inRotterdamandBasel
on this technique. “These are rare
tumours, but not as rare as you think – and we can
show a benefit in more than 70% of patients, with
20%incomplete remission. It’s attractedcommercial
interest and we are looking at peptides for other
cancers.”He says thepeptide treatmenthas expanded
around Italy,with about 50 patients seen eachweek.
InMilan, quite a fewcome fromabroad for this and
other treatments such as for brain tumours.

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