Tuesday 19 February 2013


Q What is a business report? What are its functions?
According to Murphy and Peck a business report is an impartial, objective., planned
presentation of facts to one or more persons for a specific, significant business purpose.
Reports Travel upwards to supervisors and management policy-makers, downward and
horizontally to those who carry out the work and policies, and outward (outside the firm) to
stockholders, customers, the general public and government officials. A report may be written or oral,
but most significant reports are written. The report facts may be pertained to events, conditions,
qualities, progress, results, investigations, or interpretations. They may help the receiver(s) understand

a significant business situation, carry out operational or technical assignments, and / or plan
procedures, solve problems and make executive decisions.
A good business report must satisfy the following criteria:
a. Utility b. Persuasiveness c. Reliability d. Readability
A business report’s utility, persuasiveness, reliability and readability mainly depend on the
application of the communication principles. Called “The Seven C’s” they are: (1) Completeness, (2)
Conciseness, (3) Consideration, (4) Concreteness, (5) Clarity, (6) Courtesy, and (7) Correctness.

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