Thursday, 14 February 2013

Characteristics and connotation of reactive behaviors in hybrids

Characteristics and connotation of reactive behaviors in hybrids

The Hybrid Paradigm is an extension of the Reactive Paradigm, and from
the above description, it would appear that the behavioral component is untouched.
That is not entirely true. Behaviors in the Hybrid Paradigm have a
slightly different connotation than in the Reactive Paradigm. In the Reactive
Paradigm, “behavior” connotes purely reflexive behaviors. In the Hybrid
Paradigm, the term “behavior” is usually more consistent with the ethological
use and includes reflexive, innate, and learned behaviors. This can be
confusing, and at least SKILL VS. BEHAVIOR one architecture uses the term skill instead of “behavior”
to avoid confusion with purely reflexive behaviors. Also, Hybrid
implementations tend to use assemblages of behaviors sequenced over time,

rather than primitive behaviors. Because the Hybrid implementations are
interested in more complex emergent behaviors, there is more diversity in
methods for combining the output from concurrent behaviors.

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