Thursday, 14 February 2013

Data analysis

Data analysis

The taped records were transcribed and translated into
English by the main author. Textual transcripts and field
notes underwent inductive thematic analysis, along with
some predetermined coding based on the interview questions
et al
. 1998; Ryan & Bernard 2003). Using
this method, new categories were allowed to emerge from
the data rather than being strictly imposed on them.
The data from all three focus groups were used to generate
themes. First, the textual data were open-coded line
by line according to the nature of the information. We
quoted key words used by participants and tried to resist
interpretation. Then, by grouping similar codes together
and giving them a label, thematic categories were established.
The open-coding and categorization was undertaken
iteratively and independently by two researchers
(W. Xu & A.D. Towers), which is known as double coding,
to enhance the validity of the findings (Fielding 2001). The
researchers then met to compare codes and categories, and
searched for links and common themes across categories.
The major themes were determined based on consensus
among all the authors through ongoing meetings.

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