Sunday 17 February 2013

Explain clearly the process of communication. (May-2008)

Question 3
Explain clearly the process of communication. (May-2008)
Process of communication
Communication is a two-way process in which there is an exchange of ideas or thoughts
linking the sender and receiver towards a mutually accepted direction or goal consisting of
7 elements which are as under:
1. Sender: The process of communication begins with a sender, the person who has an
idea and desires to exchange it.
2. Encoding: The sender puts his/her ideas or facts into words, symbols, pictures or
gestures that the receiver can understand.
3. Message: A message refers to what is being communicated. It may be verbal or nonverbal.
4. Channel: Channel is the medium through which message is transmitted to the
sender. Channel may be in oral or written forms.
5. Receiver: It is any person who notices and attaches some meaning to a message.
6. Decoding: The receiver translates the words and symbols used in the message into
ideas and interpret it to attain its meaning.
7. Feedback: Ultimately receiver reacts or responds to the communication sent by the
sender. It could be based on clear interpretation of the symbols sent or
misunderstanding or misinterpretation of the symbols sent.

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