Wednesday 20 February 2013

Mechanistic structures:

Mechanistic structures:

 are static, rigid, vertically oriented, pyramid shaped
 use rules, policies, procedures
 decision-making is limited to top management
 authority is based on position
 have elaborate control system and
 rigid communication channels.
Mechanistic structures are best used when
 goals are well known and long lasting
 there is a stable, reasonably simple environment
 technology is simple and well understood
 work force appreciates routine, structure, and low levels of ambiguity.
Organic structures:
 are fluid, dynamic, ever changing
 horizontally oriented
 flat
 decision-making takes place at all levels
 changing authority patterns
 authority based on expertise
 collaboration
 informal routes of communication based on current needs.
They are best used when

 tasks are uncertain
 environment is complex and ever changing
 technology is complex and constantly changing
 workforce is creative and innovative.

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