Monday 18 February 2013

Part II: Analysis of Recommendations

Part II: Analysis of Recommendations
(10 minutes reading, 15 minutes discussion, 15 minutes small group discussion, 20
minutes presentation and large group discussion)
Read “An Open Letter from Transparency International to the Participants of the London
Conference on Afghanistan on 28 January 2010.”
Step 1: Discuss as a group:
1. According to Transparency International, what are the three biggest concerns
for Afghan people?
2. What does the letter urge the international community to do?
3. What are the ways that the letter says international community can assist in
creating a culture in the public sector that respects integrity, transparency,
and accountability?
Step 2: Divide into small groups, with each small group taking on one of the
recommendations. (These recommendations are answers to question 3 in Step 1.)
1. For each of its recommendations, brainstorm the following:
a. What would this accomplish?
b. Who must be involved?
c. How will those who are involved work together? Who should be in
d. Do you think it is easy or difficult for these steps to be taken? Why?
e. Make your own prediction. Describe one possible scenario for peace in
2. After the small group discussion, each small group presents its ideas to the
bigger group.

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