Tuesday 19 February 2013

Q. What is dictating? State its importance and enumerate good dictating techniques.

Q. What is dictating? State its importance and enumerate good
dictating techniques.
Dictation is an oral communication between two persons (usually an executive and a
secretary). The executive speaks (dictates) a message to the secretary, who transcribes the
spoken words into a written message that is to be sent to addressees.
The person who can dictate messages clearly and quickly saves time and money for the
employer, and who indirectly help build company goodwill.
On the other hand, poor dictating habits result in confusions, errors, costly damages, loss of
company goodwill, and damages the executive’s status.
Following are the suggestions for improving dictating habits:
Preparation before Dictation:
Preparation before dictation requires the executive to –
i. Know the purpose.
ii. Visualize the reader.
iii. Consider the secretary.
iv. Collect all facts needed for the contents of the message.
v. Prepare an outline, with main points on paper or in mind.
Good Dictating Techniques:
Good dictating techniques include the following:

i. Dictating in a language that possesses all the C’ qualities.
ii. Dictating from the outline (prepared in advance).
iii. Clear pronouncing.
iv. Clarifying the confusing words and figures e.g. “E” may be clarified by saying “E for
elephant” and “Sixty” by “six zero”.
v. Spelling the unusual and confusing words and names.
vi. Giving instructions for number of copies, reference, subject, ordinary or registered mail,
vii. Dictating punctuations.
viii. Maintaining acceptable speed.
ix. Avoiding environmental disturbance.
x. Providing written material when there are tables of numerous figures.
xi. Setting a time free from interruptions by telephone or callers.
xii. Developing and using simple abbreviations and code words, e.g. “SRM” for “send by
registered mail”.
xiii. Dictating only the basic ideas (allowing the secretary to compose the complete
message) when the message is of routine nature and the secretary has adequate
information and ability.
Signing of Dictated Message:
After the secretary has transcribed the spoken words into a written message, the executive
signs it. While doing so, he / she should check the letter with special attention to spellings
and figures. The executive should also make sure that instructions as given have been
followed by the secretary.

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