Saturday 16 February 2013

Quality of life after breast cancer treatment

Quality of life after breast cancer treatment

Women who have had treatment for breast cancer should be reassured that while they
may be left with reminders of their treatment (such as surgical scars), their overall quality
of life, once treatment has been completed, can be normal. Extensive studies have shown
this. Women who have had chemotherapy may, however, notice a slight decrease in
certain areas of function.
Some studies suggest that younger women, who represent about 1 out of 4 breast cancer
survivors, tend to have more problems adjusting to the stresses of breast cancer and its
treatment. They may have more trouble with emotional and social functioning. Some can
feel isolated. For some women, chemotherapy may have caused early menopause, which
can be very distressing on its own. There may also be sexual difficulties. These issues
may be helped with counseling and support groups directed at younger breast cancer
Emotional aspects of breast cancer
It is important that your focus on tests and treatments does not prevent you from
considering your emotional, psychological, and spiritual health as well. Once your
treatment ends, you may find yourself overwhelmed by emotions. This happens to a lot of
people. You may have been going through so much during treatment that you could only
focus on getting through your treatment.
Now you might find that you think about the possibility of your own death, or the effect
of your cancer on your family, friends, and career. You may also begin to re-evaluate
your relationship with your spouse or partner. Unexpected issues may also cause
concern—for instance, as you become healthier and have fewer doctor visits, you will see
your health care team less often. That can be a source of anxiety for some.
This is an ideal time to seek out emotional and social support. You need people you can
turn to for strength and comfort. Support can come in many forms: family, friends, cancer
support groups, church or spiritual groups, online support communities, or individual
Almost everyone who has been through cancer can benefit from getting some type of
support. What's best for you depends on your situation and personality. Some people feel
safe in peer-support groups or education groups. Others would rather talk in an informal
setting, such as church. Others may feel more at ease talking one-on-one with a trusted
friend or counselor. Whatever your source of strength or comfort, make sure you have a
place to go with your concerns.
The cancer journey can feel very lonely. It is not necessary or realistic to go it all by
yourself. And your friends and family may feel shut out if you decide not to include
them. Let them in—and let in anyone else who you feel might help. If you aren't sure

who can help, call your American Cancer Society at 1-800-227-2345 and we can put you
in touch with an appropriate group or resource.
Body image after breast cancer treatment
Along with having to cope with the emotional stress that cancer and its treatment can
cause, many women with breast cancer also find themselves dealing with changes in their
appearance as a result of their treatment.
Some changes may be short term, such as hair loss. But even short-term changes can
have a profound effect on how a woman feels about herself. A number of options are
available to help women cope with hair loss, including wigs, hats, scarves, and other
accessories. For a list of some companies that sell wigs and other hair accessories, see our
document, Breast Prostheses and Hair Loss Accessories List. Alternatively, some women
may choose to use their baldness as a way to identify themselves as breast cancer
Other changes that result from breast cancer treatment may be more permanent, like the
loss of part or all of a breast (or breasts) after surgery. Some women may choose
reconstructive surgery to address this, while others may opt for a breast form.
Regardless of the changes you may experience, it's important to know that there is advice
and support out there to help you cope with these changes. Speaking with your doctor or
other members of your health care team is often a good starting point. There are also
many support groups available, such as the American Cancer Society's Reach To
Recovery program. Call 1-800-227-2345 to learn more about programs in your area.

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