Tuesday 19 February 2013

radioactive effects

To secure all possible information concerning the effects
of the bombs, both usual and unusual, and particularly
with regard to radioactive effects, if any, on the targets
or elsewhere.
General Groves further stated that all available specialist
personnel and instruments would be sent from the United
States, and that the Supreme Allied Commander in the
Pacific would be informed about the organization of the
On the same day, 11 August, the special personnel who
formed the part of the investigating group to be sent from
the United States were selected and ordered to California
with instructions to proceed overseas at once to accomplish
the purposes set forth in the message to General
Farrell. The main party departed from Hamilton Field,
California on the morning of 13 August and arrived in the
Marianas on 15 August.
On 12 August the Chief of Staff sent the Theater Commander
the following message:

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