Monday 18 February 2013

Role 5. National Election Committee (Frogan government arm that plans, organizes, and manages election)

Role 5. National Election Committee (Frogan government arm
that plans, organizes, and manages election)

As a member of the Toki political elite, you want to strengthen your party’s grip on
power. However, you resent the accusation that you allowed electoral violence and
ballot stuffing. And, it’s not your fault that it is difficult to get Yuso and other minority
groups to register because so many of them live in remote villages that are difficult for
election officials to reach. You think the problem to be solved is for the minority groups
to be transported to the polling stations, which will cost money that the government does
not have. You will ask the United Nations for funding to do so in the next election, and it
is important for the money to flow through the government to build capacity and
expertise as well as gain the trust of the public.
You want:
• To maintain control over all aspects of conducting the elections.
• To remain sensitive to the desire of the minority groups to participate in the
election and to do it in a safe environment.
• The International Development Organization to increase funding that will flow
directly through the national government to help you conduct a successful
election. It’s the only way for the national government to improve its credibility
with its citizens.

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