Friday, 22 February 2013



Should you avoid salt? No. But a good salt rule is to either
cook with it or have it on the table, but not both. Use aluminumfree
sea salt, and make sure the salt is sterilized by heating five
minutes at 400°F in a glass pie plate to kill mold. (Sea gulls fly
over the salt flats where sea salt is gathered. Their droppings
provide a medium for mold.)

The best salt is a mixture of 1 part of your aluminum-free,
sterilized sea salt and 1 part potassium chloride (another kind of
salt, see Sources). Potassium ousts sodium (salt) from your body,
so you can use twice as much of this kind of salt! Also, the extra
potassium helps lift fatigue and has other benefits.
Always use a non-metal salt shaker with a closable lid to
keep out moisture. Don't put rice in your salt because it invites
Since you, the cook, know where the salt is, (mostly in soups
and stews), don't serve as much of these when there is heart and
kidney illness or high blood pressure. Don't put salt in cereal,
cooking vegetables, or other dishes. Just leave it out! Use herbs
instead. Tip: encapsulated herbs stay fresher and are more
potent. Fenugreek and thyme are the most beneficial of the
common cooking herbs. Just open a capsule and season.

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