Thursday, 14 February 2013

Styles of hybrid architectures

Styles of hybrid architectures

MANAGERIAL STYLES Architectural styles can be loosely divided into three categories. Managerial
styles focus on subdividing the deliberative portion into layers based on the
scope of control, or managerial responsibility, of each deliberative function.
A Mission Planning module would be able to direct other, subordinate deliberative
modules such as navigation, because Mission Planning (where to
STATE HIERARCHIES go) is more abstract than Path Planning (how to get there). State hierarchies
use the knowledge of the robot’s state to distinguish between reactive and
deliberative activities. Reactive behaviors are viewed as having no state, no
self-awareness, and function only in the Present. Deliberative functions can
be divided into those that require knowledge about the robot’s Past state
(where it is in a sequence of commands) and about the Future (mission and
MODEL-ORIENTED path planning). Model-oriented styles are more nebulous. They are character-
(STYLES) ized by behaviors that have access to portions of a world model, often to the
point that they appear to have returned to the Hierarchicalmonolithic global
world model.

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