Wednesday 20 February 2013

Ten Suggestions for Clear Writing

14. Ten Suggestions for Clear Writing (these were made by Robert Gunning, the
author of the Fog Index):
 Keep sentences short, on the average
 Prefer the simple to the complex
 Prefer the familiar word
 Avoid unnecessary words
 Put action in your verbs
 Write as you talk
 Use terms your reader can picture
 Tie in with your reader‟s experience
 Make full use of variety
 Write to express, not to impress
15. The Final Paper
The final paper should be checked to determine if all the following items are
 Topic headings to help the reader comprehend the material
 White space to improve appearance and readability
 Appendix, charts, and supplements (make sure that all data contained in
these elements are necessary and that all irrelevant data have been
 Preface to set the stage properly
 Bindings to present the paper attractively.
Study Questions
Can you explain ….?
 The items to be aware of when planning a written communication
 The value of a tentative outline
 Outlining methods
 Outline types
 The qualities of writing style
 What to edit for in a piece of written communication
 Gunning‟s ten suggestions for clear writing
 What to check in the final paper

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