Thursday, 14 February 2013

The Hybrid Deliberative/Reactive Paradigm

The Hybrid Deliberative/Reactive

Be able to describe the Hybrid Deliberative/Reactive paradigm in terms
of i) sensing, acting, and planning and ii) sensing organization.
Name and evaluate one representative Hybrid architecture in terms of:
support for modularity, niche targetability, ease of portability to other domains,
Given a list of responsibilities, be able to say whether it belongs in the
deliberative layer or in the reactive layer.
List the five basic components of a Hybrid architecture: sequencer agent,
resource manager, cartographer, mission planner, performance monitoring
and problem solving agent.
Be able to describe the difference betweenmanagerial, state hierarchy, and
model-oriented styles of Hybrid architectures.
Be able to describe the use of state to define behaviors and deliberative
responsibilities in state hierarchy styles of Hybrid architectures.

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